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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector 10.0 - good or bad ? -

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well you put this in the equipment thread:

Helmet: Bauer HH 8000

Cage: Itech...

Shoulder: Jofa 5200

Elbow: Easton Octane ;D

Gloves: CCM 452

Pants: CCM 652

Shins: Easton Catalys

Skates: CCM Vector 10.0 06/07 ( the best ) ;D

Stick: SynergyGrip broken shaft with Koho blade

so why do you need anyone else's opinion? Your opinion is the only one that matters when it comes to the skate you like.

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I see, I just know that CCM's are slowly getting better each new stick it seems and was curious to anyone who may of used this. How does it feel and whats the performance like?

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my friend has a vector 10.0 shaft and 8.0 blade, feels nice. I don't like the grip on it though, after a few uses some of the grip has lost it's "sticky-ness" so it feels better now, IMO. It's a nice stick.

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I've had both the Vector Pro's and now 10.0's.

Seem to have some arch problems in the 10.0's (have a high arch) that i can't remember haveing in the Pro's.

So I'll drop by a special footwear store tomorrow, and get custom insoles for skates.

They make footbeds for the various pro's (icehockey) around here + Ivan Basso (cyclist). who won't be needing them anytime soon. <_<

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thats right...i want t know if you have expirence with that skates

I have a mate who has them, hes only skated in them for about a month and hes still getting used to the pitch of the blade, but he has nothing to say about them negative which must be a plus point

Ps. Cologne Sharks NEVER beat Panthers

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I dont like the grip on the ccm sticks its to much and to heavy but the flex is very well.

Ps. Pantherfan the sharks are the best and beat the panthers 5:0

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Why do so many people on this site reply just to tell you they don't like your post? The Vector 10.0 is a great skate and if it fits you properly you will be very happy with it.

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Why do so many people on this site reply just to tell you they don't like your post? The Vector 10.0 is a great skate and if it fits you properly you will be very happy with it.

Lots of mini-mods around these parts.

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I've had both the Vector Pro's and now 10.0's.

Seem to have some arch problems in the 10.0's (have a high arch) that i can't remember haveing in the Pro's.

So I'll drop by a special footwear store tomorrow, and get custom insoles for skates.

They make footbeds for the various pro's (icehockey) around here + Ivan Basso (cyclist). who won't be needing them anytime soon. <_<

Sorry if I don't understand your post. Are you saying you have a high arch or the 10.0 skate has a high arch?

I know in a later post someone mentioned the skate might have a lower arch but I wanted to be sure as I have flat feet and am interested in this skate. Thanks!

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