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new nhl jerseys

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Rumors are that the Sabres are going to release a new jersey before the start of the upcoming season (one word: Buffaslug)

Supposedly the Caps jerseys were pushed back a year to coincide with the launch of the redisgned RBK jerseys

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The new Sabres logo is horrible. I am a tradionalist when it comes to their uniforms. Bring back the old crossed swords & buffalo head logo. The was at one time a revised edition of the crossed swords & buffalo head logo that a fan had come up with that was more modern, but yet kept the traditional old logo. It was posted on this web site. Even that was better than what is now proposed!

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I think the Sabres are trying to go from having one of the coolest jerseys in the league to the crappiest.

Sweet deal, because I'll get to find the old jersey for cheap :P

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The new Sabres logo is horrible. I am a tradionalist when it comes to their uniforms. Bring back the old crossed swords & buffalo head logo. The was at one time a revised edition of the crossed swords & buffalo head logo that a fan had come up with that was more modern, but yet kept the traditional old logo. It was posted on this web site. Even that was better than what is now proposed!

Fan Site Click Jerseys, Logos, and Photos

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The new Sabres logo is horrible. I am a tradionalist when it comes to their uniforms. Bring back the old crossed swords & buffalo head logo.  The was at one time a revised edition of the crossed swords & buffalo head logo that a fan had come up with that was more modern, but yet kept the traditional old logo.  It was posted on this web site.  Even that was better than what is now proposed!

Fan Site Click Jerseys, Logos, and Photos

Those are a few years old, but I still really like them.

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I'd rather see the Bruins put together a NHL caliber team rather than a new jersey. You can't sugarcoat drap, it's still crap. :P

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I do not understand why teams "feel" they need to change jerseys so much. I mean really why? to market the team better? its just pretty dumb. I can see changing it up once after 10yrs to keep it fresh. The sabres are on there 3rd set of sweaters....It looks OK i guess it will grow on me.

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I do not understand why teams "feel" they need to change jerseys so much. I mean really why? to market the team better? its just pretty dumb. I can see changing it up once after 10yrs to keep it fresh. The sabres are on there 3rd set of sweaters....It looks OK i guess it will grow on me.

They sell more jerseys this way. :unsure:


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