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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New custom Skates

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Pic 1

What you think?

705 with techlite, White leather, g-series liner, 18 embroiter insted of bagging, shorter and thicker tounge, and T-blades (clear sole)

thse are sick......... how much did they run yea?

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My custom grafs only took 5 1/2 weeks. Really quick turnaround.

Mine were upwards of $700 CDN

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are you joking?

they are amazing

No i was not joking in any way, shape, or form.

I dont have to skate in them, so it doesnt matter.

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Sorry, but i think those are disgusting.

I agree, they look like something from a 70's roller derby. Still, to each his own.

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they would look better if it was an all white tongue and the back of the skate wasnt stamped with 705 supra or whatever it says back there to give it a cleaner look. But other than that yeah looks pretty sharp

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Sorry, but i think those are disgusting.

they look like something from a 70's roller derby.

lol..... alas he likes them and that is all that really matters. I don't think they're that bad actually.

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Sorry, but i think those are disgusting.

I agree, they look like something from a 70's roller derby. Still, to each his own.

I'd have to agree with the both of you. The 18 doesn't look right, the t'blades look bad aswell. I would of also went with no labels. But again thats just my opinion, tear me up if you wish over it, the main thing is you like em. I took the same sort of heat over my Grafs, so don't worry about it.

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Wow, those skates are sweet. How did go about getting them custom made? Did you to go to a dealer or did you work directly with graf? Well they look awesome !

You go to your local Graf dealer.

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why did u pick Graf to go custom and not anything else?

... what do you mean by that? Obviously he likes Graf skates and that's what he wanted custom. Shockingly enough not everybody on earth likes and/or wants Bauer, CCM, Rbk etc......

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