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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme 11?

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Maybe it's an SMU for a large chain that doesnt do higher end stuff, like a sports authority or modells? Since a lot of hardcore hockey guys generally don't shop there, they'll want to keep the cost down as much as possible so as to keep the price low/profit high.

(edit: or maybe not, see post below)

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Maybe it's an SMU for a large chain that doesnt do higher end stuff, like a sports authority or modells? Since a lot of hardcore hockey guys generally don't shop there, they'll want to keep the cost down as much as possible so as to keep the price low/profit high.

yea that sounds about right.. like the source for psorts in canada they have the bauer skates called the bauer velocity and stuff like that. where would you buy these from?

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Maybe it's an SMU for a large chain that doesnt do higher end stuff, like a sports authority or modells? Since a lot of hardcore hockey guys generally don't shop there, they'll want to keep the cost down as much as possible so as to keep the price low/profit high.

yea that sounds about right.. like the source for psorts in canada they have the bauer skates called the bauer velocity and stuff like that. where would you buy these from?

but we also have Vapor Shift which is better than the XX

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umm, check your sources, i'm quite sure the shift was comparable to the XV. not better then the XX

trust me

i checked the specs and it's better than the XX this year. It's actually more of a Vapor 25.

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i also found these.. it looks like all the nike bauer skates come with those tuuk holders and runners


That's the lower end tuuk holder for the lower end NBH skates. (It's called Faststeel as Darkstar pointed out) I don't think that the steel is even replaceable in those holders, and it's not as good a quality of steel as you'd find in the custom+ or LS series. The Supreme enforcer and Supreme 10 both have that same holder, but without the blue graphics on it.

Supreme enforcer

Supreme 10

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Maybe it's an SMU for a large chain that doesnt do higher end stuff, like a sports authority or modells? Since a lot of hardcore hockey guys generally don't shop there, they'll want to keep the cost down as much as possible so as to keep the price low/profit high.

yea that sounds about right.. like the source for psorts in canada they have the bauer skates called the bauer velocity and stuff like that. where would you buy these from?

but we also have Vapor Shift which is better than the XX

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In the UK there are ussually a couple lower end models to choose from so you can look like you have the latest skates with a very low price tag

Eg. CCM Vector ZG 90

Eg. Bauer Vapor Stream (Pretty sure these had fasteel aswell)

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umm, check your sources, i'm quite sure the shift was comparable to the XV. not better then the XX

trust me

i checked the specs and it's better than the XX this year. It's actually more of a Vapor 25.

I thought you were referring to the original vapor shift.

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