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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dude, chill with the Caps lock on your topic titles.

Do you mean the new or old 6.0's? I had the old ones and they were really good skates.

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Agree with above post. The Vector 6.0 old styles are a great skate. Almost indestructible, and with the prices now, I would say that this is a very good option.

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The 7.0s may be a good buy if you can get them in your size now for only a little bit more, if for nothign else the composite outer sole. Though, you may not need the added stiffness.

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Had th eold ones for 2 yrs. They're soft as jello now. Might buy a new pair, good skate for the price.

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Narrower than the 04-05 tacks. not sure about the new ones (I believe they went back to the traditional Tack last) but wider than a Supreme.

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Didn't first generation Vectors have problems with the top eyelet ripping out?

Nope. The problem of the eyelet coming out was caused by incorrect heat molding. Those who heat molded their skates and cranked on the laces could have eyelet problems. Not just for Vectors, but really any skate in general. The top eyelet should not even be tied during molding, but if tied, it should only be slightly closed.

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I just bought the 06' 6.0 about a month ago and I cannot say enough good things about them. They have a great fit and are actually really stiff for a boot around $200. I had mine heat molded and my LHS, wore them around the house for about three days before hitting the ice and have had virtually no brake in time and zero blisters after 8 practices.

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I found an awesome deal on the 05 Vector 6.0s. They are SWEET!!!!!!!! :lol: By the way, my house is all carpet, do I need to have skate guards when walking around my house? I'm doing a pre-season powerskating and skills school.


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It's not necessary for carpet, unless your mom or someone doesn't want you marking the carpet up with the blades...

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from my experience the skates were shit. I tore out thetop eyelids of the skates..both sides to boot and the skates and i didnt bake them so it has nothing to do with that i just took them out of the box and went out got them sharpened and played hockey.. the holders were ripping thru the heel of my skates and i went thru a set of blade becuase i warped them.. in all i didnt like them very much.. i sent them in for warranty and i got a new pair and i gave them to my dad and the same thing happended exept for the holders ripping out of the boot. <_<

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