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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best curves of all time

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Years ago i used to go for the Damphousse Sherwood pattern. After that, my preference was the Neely Canadien curve, and I moved to the Lecavalier when they became hard to find. Now I use mid curves - the MC in Ballistick, St. Louis or Lindros in Bauer, Foresberg-Mods in Easton, Tkatchuk in TPS - all pretty similar.

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Forsberg's pattern is very close to the Sakic retail, I just doubt that Sakic would have had that stick for Forsberg to borrow.

its true. it happened when the first run of synergy's came out at the allstar game that first year (99? 00?). even the pro's had to use the same five or six retail patterns that had come out. joe was using his own retail pattern as well. forsberg just picked up one of his, loved it and the only way for him to use one was to use joe's retail pattern. it took a while for the pro's to get retail patterns with their own nameplates on it. im sure joe gave him a few until easton gave forsberg a bunch of sakic's for himself. it wasnt unusual at all for a year or so to see a closeup of the bench and see guys with sakic and lidstrom on their stick nameplates. my buddy had a forsberg from early on, it was a sakic that had forsbergs nameplate.

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My all time favorite is the drury curve in a yellow synergy grip. I had the unltimate shot with that stick.


Easton Leetch

Easton Modano/Forsberg

And if only easton would make a mirroired version of the Sullivan Pro i would be diggin that curve 24/7, my brother has a bunch of his stick but im a LH and hes a RH. (easton forsberg lie and blade shape with a drury curve " Lie 5, 1/2" Heel, 9mm")

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Easton Sakic and Bauer P88 Lindros

Isnt the Sakic still a Square Toe and the Lindros is a Round Toe?

They'd be to different for me.

no but one is a big curve with an open face and the other is a mid curve with a neutral face.

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People mentioning the old Titan Lemieux reminds of the Titan Daigle, which was a beautiful little thing. Too damn bad that Titan had the longest hosels known to man.

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I dont think anyone mentioned it, but I really like the gagne p10, which was discontinued this year. It used to be the Pavel Bure.

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I tried out a vapour viii today with a P88 lindros blade. I liked it alot actually. I found the passing more crisp and I could control the trajectory alot better than with my current sakic blade.

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