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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Itech 4500 skates- worth the $49?

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I'm looking for a cheap pair of size 6 skates for a quickly growing 13 year old. His new size 6.5 Easton UL Pros are still a little too big so I'm looking for a cheap temporary replacement. I see Summit sports is selling Itech RPM 4500 skates pretty cheap, though I can find nothing else about them. Anybody (JR?) have any feedback as to how they fit, weight, etc? Thanks!

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lol, itech makes skates? No seriously, I had no idea.

Sorry I can't help.

There's a reason that shops don't stock them.

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The reason why we stock it is because people in MI need a good pond skate, which that essentially is.

Also, some parents just want to spend the minimum amount possible, and those are a good cheap option. They just don't understand the importance of good fitting/quality skates. Fine for the pond skater and house leaguer, but beyond that, no way.

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