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Need help finding jeans

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It's effing clothes guys. Wear what you want, but don't try to convince others to wear it, because it's not going to work. They'll wear what they want to. And remember, this is the internet.

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Not true, I'll take a gander at some of the brands Vapor suggested. You just need to be clear you understand your opinion is not universal and your aware of some peoples limitations on clothes whether its because of financial limitations or a difference in philosophy and style.

Vapor - I actually had a few pairs of Buffalo jeans, they did hold up well and I liked the fit of them. I'll keep an eye out for the others. I wish there were decent boutiques which aren't incredibly expensive to go to in Hamilton. Maybe someone in Toronto could give me an idea where to go. I've heard some conflicting reports on their smaller shops.

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It's effing clothes guys. Wear what you want, but don't try to convince others to wear it, because it's not going to work. They'll wear what they want to. And remember, this is the internet.

well said....its clothes, we wear wut we lik, wut makes us feel good to wear, everyone has different opinions, same with hockey equipment too and all that...a wood does the same job as a cnt....puts the puck in the net so its are personal prefernce

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It's effing clothes guys. Wear what you want, but don't try to convince others to wear it, because it's not going to work. They'll wear what they want to. And remember, this is the internet.

Not entirely correct as Eazy already pointed out, because I'm going to browse through those brands and see what they have to offer as well.

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Not true, I'll take a gander at some of the brands Vapor suggested. You just need to be clear you understand your opinion is not universal and your aware of some peoples limitations on clothes whether its because of financial limitations or a difference in philosophy and style.

Vapor - I actually had a few pairs of Buffalo jeans, they did hold up well and I liked the fit of them. I'll keep an eye out for the others. I wish there were decent boutiques which aren't incredibly expensive to go to in Hamilton. Maybe someone in Toronto could give me an idea where to go. I've heard some conflicting reports on their smaller shops.

What are people doing in their jeans that make them fall apart?

I mean seriously. When I was a kid playing soccer, hockey, biking, climbing fences, running through woods, the only thing I had to worry about was putting a hole in the knee. I highly doubt you are doing this in your jeans now. They are pants.

As for fit, I can see how people can justify spending more, although with moderation.

Style, that’s personal preference as to if you want to spend more.

But I don’t think there should be an issue with quality. Jeans are meant to cover your legs. All jeans will do that to the same degree and will hold up under normal conditions for as long as you need them.


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I like to keep most of my jeans for a long time. Certain materials don't hold their shape well at all and the way they "hang" looks awful after a month or two. Alot will fray at the bottoms and others will just wear out in certain areas.

When you were a kid you also expected different things from your Jeans than I am expecting. It isn't just about covering up, I wear them mostly for going to school or going out in. I want them to look decent.

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I don't like broken down clothing (fraying, stretched collar, etc.) so the cost of my clothes varies. I have dress shirts worth over $150 that I wear often but also picked up four shirts last week for $60. I pay for something I know will last but otherwise I fail to see the point.

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go to the store called stiches if you want...

Thats like a gangster store if you will

LMAO!!! I thought they were talking about quality clothing and looking decent!?!?! Correct me if I'm wrong mr. roostingmx! :lol: :lol:

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what makes a pair of jeans or a t-shirt worth upwards of 500-600 dollars?

to add to that are they selling the name or actual quality. if im going to drop $600 on a shirt i want it to last for a long time whit it it ripping out the colors fading. are you telling me this is possible?

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Sorry I don't have the bills to spend at Gucci or Armani. Buying a t-shirt for 60 bucks, not me.

LOL, I would LOVE to find a Gucci T-Shirt for 60 bucks. I have spent upwords of 600 dollars (im not braging, nor am I proud) on a shirt. You might say I am an ass or retarded for paying that much. I might agree with you. The thing you get for that price is AMAZIGN fit, great quality, and you just feel like a million bucks. Quality is better than Quantity.

Wow, upwards of $600 for a shirt? Who the hell made that shirt? A Brioni doesn't cost that much.

And I gotta say, it really annoys me and I'm sure many other folks when some rich kid goes around this board flaunting his parents riches. "I got this car, and I only wear clothes from here." I can only imagine what the hell your friends are like...earn your own way and then be a pretentious prick.

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Wow, upwards of $600 for a shirt? Who the hell made that shirt? A Brioni doesn't cost that much.

And I gotta say, it really annoys me and I'm sure many other folks when some rich kid goes around this board flaunting his parents riches. "I got this car, and I only wear clothes from here." I can only imagine what the hell your friends are like...earn your own way and then be a pretentious prick.

Seriously, who the fuck is braging? I use my own money to buy my clothes sir, and I do not have a car. I am not trying to brag so I would love to know exactly what you are talking about. I love the fact that you make bullshit assumptions and you make an ass out of yourself. Why do you assume my parents pay for my stuff?

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Wow, upwards of $600 for a shirt?  Who the hell made that shirt?  A Brioni doesn't cost that much.

And I gotta say, it really annoys me and I'm sure many other folks when some rich kid goes around this board flaunting his parents riches.  "I got this car, and I only wear clothes from here."  I can only imagine what the hell your friends are like...earn your own way and then be a pretentious prick.

Seriously, who the fuck is braging? I use my own money to buy my clothes sir, and I do not have a car. I am not trying to brag so I would love to know exactly what you are talking about. I love the fact that you make bullshit assumptions and you make an ass out of yourself. Why do you assume my parents pay for my stuff?

I think Kosy went over pretty much everywhere you sounded like a pretentious little brat.

That said, I didn't specifically call you out, as there are several other kids on this board who do as I described.

Nor did I assume that YOUR parents specifically buy you clothes, though I can imagine, being 21 and working in high end retail (I know the wages they pay), you can save all your money to blow on Rock & Republic jeans and Seal Kay shirts, but will have nothing or darned near nothing left.

You're still on mostly a free ride, no? It also sounds like you're from a pretty decent area in NYC, so your parents must make some pretty good coin.

Now, if you were say, 30 and an IBanker or a Lawyer, I could totally see you paying your own way with your hard earned slave money.

EDIT: With regards to your beef about kids wearing floppy and or XXXXL clothes these days, I blame hip-hop culture. No they don't look cool, and no, they don't look "gangsta."

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Not at all.  And lets be real, when you pay $600 for a shirt it isn't quality you're paying for.  I have no problem with people dressing nicely.  A lot of people are most likely jealous because they wish they were afforded the opportunity to wear clothes like you guys can.  Just look at what you three are doing though.  You're on an online message board A. trashing clothes which by most peoples standards are expensive and nice in quality B. acting like you are better than said people because you can afford to buy nice clothes.  If I'm wrong with this statement, please correct me.  But all three of you are young, and I can't imagine that any of you have earned these large sums of money by your own hard work.  Acting like a snob because your parents or whoever are rich is fucking disgusting.  Again, if I'm wrong, please correct me.  From what I know, none of you are over 22-23.  Its bad enough when people who actually have earned large sums of money act like they're better than everyone else.  Its way worse when people who have done nothing act like it, too.

See thats what I didnt want to do. I dont want to say anything sucks, or im so much better because I have a pair of ripped up jeans and I paid way too much for them. I work in High End Retail, so I do make a good amount of money. I also get a discoutn which comes in very handy.

I am not saying those companies are crap for the sake of making my clothing look better. I am saying the quality of those companies are just not on par with the price they are charging. Again, I go to fashion school and I have worked for retail and textiles. I know the business pretty well for someone my age.

haha did u just say u go to fashion school?!?!?! ohh after finding that out and reading that u buy $600shirts its all making sense now :rolleyes: so how was the pride parade this year??? :lol:

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haha did u just say u go to fashion school?!?!?! ohh after finding that out and reading that u buy $600shirts its all making sense now :rolleyes:  so how was the pride parade this year??? :lol:

Since you are relatively new, and have no idea what you're talking about, i will keep it short.

Vapor does have a girlfriend.

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haha did u just say u go to fashion school?!?!?! ohh after finding that out and reading that u buy $600shirts its all making sense now :blink: so how was the pride parade this year??? :lol:

Mannn, that was a good one... dont want to get on your bad side

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Who's meeting at The Max after school?

Just wondering what the heck is the max?

you guys all get together and play hakky at a gas station? lol

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