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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung Hockey

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How does the Sprungs work on rought cement surfaces?

I play in Manhattan and there is no smooth surfaces around here. We play on Asphalt. Can Sprung Chassis handle this or are they more for indoor smooth surfaces. Thanks.


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How does the Sprungs work on rought cement surfaces?

I play in Manhattan and there is no smooth surfaces around here. We play on Asphalt. Can Sprung Chassis handle this or are they more for indoor smooth surfaces. Thanks.


I have skated and played on both concrete and asphalt with no problems whatsoever. I have yet to play on an indoor surface but cannot wait!

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im using all hotshot 62/76,but i just put the mini bearing rink rat mb816 62/76 on the inside wheels to lighten up the boot.im 167lbs,the grip is great,the speed comes from strong legs and strong stride.in my case i dont see a loss of speed with a 76 compare to a 78,but as far as grip.i feel a big difference.a few things to think about.whats the surface like(clean-indoor-outdoor-weather)do you like all grip or alittle give. always trial and error with hockey equip.i did meet keith and JR for the first time very good people i wish i could have spent more time hanging out but like always coaching feels like a full time job,lol.peace.

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I'm down to 155 and I'm using HS 76's too. I had a mixture of 76's center and 78's on the ends, but I prefer the all 76 feel.

I got the large first tests and the arms are almost perfect and the frame is unpolished with no logos. But that aside, they look and assemble just right.

I'm mounting the first pair on some fresh Vector 10, 105's. They look like the medium on a CCM size 8. Beautiful with excellent toe and heel.

And the new black material medium tests are also in and will be skated immediately.

Sending both to (***) for durability testing, today.

Me and JR did the rib ritual and are official rib brothers,now. Iceburg and I are aligned and I'm an Honorary Long Island Piranha.

I had a great time in Taylor and most of my samples played in games from round robin through the finals. Usually on the team center and often on the one-two connection in the money shift.

Hello to a lot of great players that I met, many of which I only know by face. Thanks for spiking the interest in the Sprungs.

Great to see centers facing off in Sprungs. They STICK OUT on the rink, so everybody playing or watching, saw them.

Nice healthy virus turned loose in a heavily populated area and spread by contact and word of mouth. May the Sickness keep spreading. :)

PS Here's a funny bit of info. As it's turned out, My new tag, "I go there. I do that." is a newly coined phrase, according to Google. Never used before. It's coming on t-shirts with the Sprungster, soon.

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I'm all in for a t-shirt. :)

Sounds great that you are getting so much publicity. People really didn't know what they were missing!

When the large is fully tested and polished up for release, and the black color proves to be as sturdy as it seems already, we'll have the large and medium in black and white available in a lot of stores. And Sprungster Jerseys like the Sprungvoodoo ones, along with the t-shirts.

The stores want the frames, and they want them to be easy to mount quickly. What will help them the most is making sure that each store has the best type of mounting heads. Everybody's mounting learning curve is quick, but they aren't aluminum and it is different at first.

Many shops don't have inline mounting tools which have a steel rivet setter the thickness of a pencil that gives total access to any frame and makes the job twice as easy.

The existing copper setting heads are short and fat, making it hard at first. I've modified a bunch of the copper setting heads by grinding down the totally fat diameter to a little thicker than the contact area. This also makes it easier to mount any kind of frame. You can also modify the short fat steel rivet setter the same way.

Anybody with access to a tool shop can have them turned down to a useful diameter. After that, it's no sweat converting anything.

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Skated on my new Sprungs for the first time in a league game last week, didn't have a chance to try them out beforehand. Cutting and turning is just amazing, skating backwards was very natural. I had played on ice two nights before, and it really did feel the same. I wish I had ordered these long ago B)

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hey keith ,glad to see ya made it home ok,11hours,one stop-what a freakin ride.keep in touch with ***.the 91s lost a close one in over time,we got called with a high stick(no turn over -didnt effect the play) with less then two min to go in a one-one tie game,i hate when the refs decide the game for the kids.anyway it was good to see alot of players using the sprungs,the feed back was very positive,great job.glad to have met you and JR,talk to ya soon.

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hey keith ,glad to see ya made it home ok,11hours,one stop-what a freakin ride.keep in touch with ***.the 91s lost a close one in over time,we got called with a high stick(no turn over -didnt effect the play) with less then two min to go in a one-one tie game,i hate when the refs decide the game for the kids.anyway it was good to see alot of players using the sprungs,the feed back was very positive,great job.glad to have met you and JR,talk to ya soon.

Sorry to be off topic but what team do you coach if you do not mind me asking.

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hey keith ,glad to see ya made it home ok,11hours,one stop-what a freakin ride.keep in touch with ***.the 91s lost a close one in over time,we got called with a high stick(no turn over -didnt effect the play) with less then two min to go in a one-one tie game,i hate when the refs decide the game for the kids.anyway it was good to see alot of players using the sprungs,the feed back was very positive,great job.glad to have met you and JR,talk to ya soon.

Was it actually a high stick? I would argue the kid that took the penalty decided the game not the ref. I hate the attitude that hey, "I am not going to call penalties on the losing team, or close to the end of the game." That attitude is how the situation escalates quickly and usually ends in injury. I got hit with an elbow to the face and run into the boards the other night, and no call because we were winning by 3 goals.

Am I supposed to be injured before a call is made? Just think about that, is that the behavior you want to be telling the kids is acceptable?

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Anyone have a problem with their sprungs "going soft"? As in, the front I guess you would call rocker can be moved by hand. On both skates you can easily move the rocker up and down, while the back rocker is hard as a rock. A buddy of mine has sprungs, I tried to move his and they're all stiff. Does this just happen over time or did I manage to break the springs? Its not effecting my skating at all it just peaked my curiosity.

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bane,i get your point with a 3 goal lead(head hunting) .but one-one tie with 1:40 left in a game to decide going to a medal round,a weak high stick is one thing ,ahigh stick and a turn over is cause for a penalty.well anyway game is over and the other team played very good hockey,congrats to the 16u mission fusion-tier 1 silver-you kids are a solid group of players and very well coached..i coach the long island piranhas,91s and the 93s.once again i had a great time in michigan,the sprung frames were a bigger hit this year than last year im sure things are only going to get better.keith is a really nice guy and i hope to see his sprungs go far in the hockey world,not just for keith but for players as myself and others who enjoy this great game of inline hockey,the sprung frames do speak for themselves.

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Anyone have a problem with their sprungs "going soft"? As in, the front I guess you would call rocker can be moved by hand. On both skates you can easily move the rocker up and down, while the back rocker is hard as a rock. A buddy of mine has sprungs, I tried to move his and they're all stiff. Does this just happen over time or did I manage to break the springs? Its not effecting my skating at all it just peaked my curiosity.

With healthy use the parts settle in to a groove with more leeway than blueprint. Holes elongate a little and the spring remembers the groove a little too much. I don't know why some do and some don't, yet.

Are your springs translucent orange, or opaque orange or red?

New springs might do it. You still have warranty time.

Email me so I can find out more details. keith@sprung-inline.com

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hey keith,

how hard is it to mount the frame on an RBK 9k C width? The frame that comes on it looks all weird with the rivet holes being completely unorthodox. I'm thinking about getting them on Sunday so any info would be greatly appreciated.


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Keith, question about my sprungs. I was just cleaning them up to put away for the off season, and I noticed that in the front, the wheel is rubbing on the sole plate of the frame a bit. There's a groove there thats obviously for this purpose, and I wouldn't even have noticed if not for the dye job. The skates are black all over, except for this white where the wheel rubs. I haven't noticed any ill effects yet (only have about 5 hours on the sprungs so far), but is this something I should worry about?

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Keith, question about my sprungs. I was just cleaning them up to put away for the off season, and I noticed that in the front, the wheel is rubbing on the sole plate of the frame a bit. There's a groove there thats obviously for this purpose, and I wouldn't even have noticed if not for the dye job. The skates are black all over, except for this white where the wheel rubs. I haven't noticed any ill effects yet (only have about 5 hours on the sprungs so far), but is this something I should worry about?

The tolerance is very tight on them there (.015" +- a little), and after a while the stops let them move further. You can use your Dremel and make the groove a little deeper if you want so there's more clearance. Happens in the center two sometimes too. If it's rubbing in the back you're in big trouble.

You can use a marker to cover the grinder marks. No white!!

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Sprungster, When will the sprungs be available at peranis

Hopefully never. I'd love to see those mounts.

How about in the greater detriot area

There's a guy in Novi who has done quite a few Sprung mounts.

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Keith, question about my sprungs. I was just cleaning them up to put away for the off season, and I noticed that in the front, the wheel is rubbing on the sole plate of the frame a bit. There's a groove there thats obviously for this purpose, and I wouldn't even have noticed if not for the dye job. The skates are black all over, except for this white where the wheel rubs. I haven't noticed any ill effects yet (only have about 5 hours on the sprungs so far), but is this something I should worry about?

The tolerance is very tight on them there (.015" +- a little), and after a while the stops let them move further. You can use your Dremel and make the groove a little deeper if you want so there's more clearance. Happens in the center two sometimes too. If it's rubbing in the back you're in big trouble.

You can use a marker to cover the grinder marks. No white!!

Nothing in back that I can tell, but I'm a very 'toeish' skater. I have noticed after looking again that there is some in the middle two on the sole of the skate, almost looks like skates someone reamed out for beemers. Glad to hear its normal, I'm loving them and would be devistated to find out I botched the mount or something.

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Well I skated the large frame on the rink for the first time today for almost two hours.

I have them on some size 10 Flexlite 9s and the frames are pretty sweet already without any of the full action dialed in.

It took me a little while to get used to having front and rear wheel space beyond my boots, but that became a plus quickly.

But that wasn't the biggest change to adapt to. The pitch is new on the large and it's a lot of fun to skate. They sort of feel high/low with a totally reliable rear end to turn on (and no little wheels up front). I'm working on the exact hight they'll be too. Probably lower than the medium to cut down on sideload with bigger guys.

I'm going to move them forward on my boot to make them a little more neutral and I think I'm going to enjoy them a even more.

Here's something I did for the first time in my life today, using them. I sprinted full speed into the corners, faster than I've ever gone, and was able to use the short choppy crossover steps, that pump up even more speed, from the time I entered the corners until coming out the other side even faster. These were the fastest laps I've ever skated and it wasn't terrifying, so I can go even faster.

Speed and control together. And I can lay back on the rears and swing around with no fear of the rear end vanishing. If the pitch and hight thing really works out we may retrofit it to the medium.

Joe skated around on them in my living room today and he wants to try them on his skates too. He thinks they're killers already. He put them on and said they were fast. No way to prove that in my house.

And speaking of fast, I have some pictures that I'll post tomorrow, from NARCH of the winner of the fastest skater competition in his Bantam devision. His Sprungs are very evident. The player he beat was on them, too, so they're not perfect.

You could say that they were the fastest two skaters there, but you also have to notice their choice of vehicle.

As a good bud (in the industry) said to me in Taylor, "I guess it's good for you that better players use your frames?", as one of his teams was getting mercied by a team with the money guys on Sprungs.

Yes, it's good. :)

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