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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good Deal: Response Plus 99 Cdn

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Response +'s on sale at Sportchek for $99. Seems to be the new ones that are made in China though. the paint finish have that really....plastic/cheap feeling. Still a pretty good deal though.

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I'm not sure how legit they are....I bought one but returned it because i got a tip from my friend who works there and he said that they're "fake", all he told me though was that it won't have the same performance as real response +s

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I'm not sure how legit they are....I bought one but returned it because i got a tip from my friend who works there and he said that they're "fake", all he told me though was that it won't have the same performance as real response +s

Really? I can't imagine a national chain store like Sport Chek selling fake products.

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I'm not sure how legit they are....I bought one but returned it because i got a tip from my friend who works there and he said that they're "fake", all he told me though was that it won't have the same performance as real response +s

Really? I can't imagine a national chain store like Sport Chek selling fake products.

They sold fake Si-Cores before.

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I'm not sure how legit they are....I bought one but returned it because i got a tip from my friend who works there and he said that they're "fake", all he told me though was that it won't have the same performance as real response +s

Really? I can't imagine a national chain store like Sport Chek selling fake products.

They sold fake Si-Cores before.

Not to mention the ccm 952s....and is it just me or do their synergy 1100 gloves have a different palm than normal?

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I was at sportchek the other day and I saw a pro stock Heatley Stealth, all black like he normally uses it, think this might be fake as well?

EDIT - sportchek is also selling Rubber Responses to, they seem the have a completely different blade construction and the paint/graphics are kinda funny

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I was at sportchek the other day and I saw a pro stock Heatley Stealth, all black like he normally uses it, think this might be fake as well?

EDIT - sportchek is also selling Rubber Responses to, they seem the have a completely different blade construction and the paint/graphics are kinda funny

how much did they want for the heats stealth?

ive seen those RR too the blade looks really thin and has a sort of checker board thing going.

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I'm not sure how legit they are....I bought one but returned it because i got a tip from my friend who works there and he said that they're "fake", all he told me though was that it won't have the same performance as real response +s

Really? I can't imagine a national chain store like Sport Chek selling fake products.

They sold fake Si-Cores before.

Not to mention the ccm 952s....and is it just me or do their synergy 1100 gloves have a different palm than normal?

I don't know if I would go as far to say they are "FAKES".

From what I remember reading the 952's were "SMU's" which was a batch of skates put together from various left over materials (eg. 1052, 952, 852, 652). I wouldn't call it a rip off or scam either because they priced it fairly ($199 CDN), I think they misrepresented the skate but the price was decent though.

Regarding the fake si-cores, weren't those pro stocks ? I saw some si-cores with regular synergy blades and the sales staff said they were pro stock (blank nameplate). While I am at it, those si-cores were grouped together with Louisville RR in a seperate section which the sales staff said all the sticks were pro stock. I personally looked at the Louisville RR and they didn't seem like pro stock to me especially when they had the "Sundin" nameplate.

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How do you make a "fake" stick? And why would they sell one?

take a vic and paint it like a response plus so it sells better is one way

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How do you make a "fake" stick? And why would they sell one?

take a vic and paint it like a response plus so it sells better is one way

Thats just not going to happen ...you think Interport would do that to themselves....and TPS would let them???

They are probaly left over sticks just repainted from TPS......nothing more!

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How do you make a "fake" stick? And why would they sell one?

take a vic and paint it like a response plus so it sells better is one way

Thats just not going to happen ...you think Interport would do that to themselves....and TPS would let them???

They are probaly left over sticks just repainted from TPS......nothing more!

still suspect

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I was at sportchek the other day and I saw a pro stock Heatley Stealth, all black like he normally uses it, think this might be fake as well?

EDIT - sportchek is also selling Rubber Responses to, they seem the have a completely different blade construction and the paint/graphics are kinda funny

how much did they want for the heats stealth?

ive seen those RR too the blade looks really thin and has a sort of checker board thing going.

they didnt have a price on it :angry: and no one was around so I couldnt ask

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