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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ban roostingmx?

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Man, I'll be straight up. With a avatar like that, I doubt he has kids, nor does he have a family (nor and feeling of decency might I add).

I was going to add a comment about "compensation", but I decided against it.

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When I saw what he was doing, I just overrode his permission mask with a regular member's mask.

Just because you are a Members+ does not give you the privilege to sell, especially when you crank out 45 posts in one night. We frown upon post padding.

Oh, Well :rolleyes:

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some people have no idea...

You have no clue what that picture was of or what it was about so don't shoot off your mouth.

It was a bunch disgusting women. Silicone parts are made for toys.

Dont be mad at everyone else, just because you wasted all that energy typing and clicking submit, and now have nothing to show for it.

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i just read more of his posts and he is useless.

like in the disposeable contactsa he wrote something like

"if you are looking for fashion ask your doctor about the colored contacts"

wich was not even what i was asking about.

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ahhhh yes it was colored contacts i was tlaking about

if i were you, honestly i would stop making useless posts.

you should feel luck that you havent gotten banned yet.

i can think of a few ppl who have been banned for stupid posts, just like the ones you have made.

so honeslty, do us all a favor and stop making useless posts.

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So you're looking to sell in this forum and are spamming just to get your post count up to get around the rules. What would lead us to believe that you wouldn't try to find a way to screw us over when we try to buy your items? I'm not saying you are any kind of theif but someone you can't trust to follow the simple rules of this forum is not someone I would want to trust with my money.

I'd just rather buy from someone that earned their post count by being a part of this community, as opposed to someone trying to make a few bucks off of this community.

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I think he had one worthy post.

go with a custom made comp and it's great but if you go with a cheaper model like dell you wont get the same graphics card and such

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So you're looking to sell in this forum and are spamming just to get your post count up to get around the rules. What would lead us to believe that you wouldn't try to find a way to screw us over when we try to buy your items? I'm not saying you are any kind of theif but someone you can't trust to follow the simple rules of this forum is not someone I would want to trust with my money.

I'd just rather buy from someone that earned their post count by being a part of this community, as opposed to someone trying to make a few bucks off of this community.

i dont know why you guys are so pissed at him im currently in the miuddle of a transaction and he seems like an alright guy just give him a chance , he's new.

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a transaction with him?

ya im sellng him my xxx lite and he sent me the paypal money and im gonna shipthe stick i have him on msn and hes not a bad guy he just wants to sell and yes hes breaking the rules at that point but.. you know hes knew cut him some slack.

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I doubt that devilsrule. JR and Chadd do a fantastic job at moderating this forum, and mack, well, he adds the comedy to it.

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so tell me then...

How do I get my members+ in such a short time?

Purely based on the number of posts.

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