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Scarriest movie

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Horror as a genre is dead; at least over in North American it'd seem. I think the last good 'horror' movie I've seen come out here was Scream.

It's not the film industry's fault entirely because people lump way too many movies into the scary/horror movie genre for its own good. Wolf Creek is genuinely creepy and scary in a "real" way but it sold itself as something it wasn't. If you go into that movie knowing it's not a horror movie you'll be all right.

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Now, mostly because "wow we can do so much stuff with prosthetics (sp?) and special effects, lets just make stuff that will gross them out", thats what they do. The one credit I give to the horror films now is that they are much more realistic to look at...most of the stuff in the old films just looked so fake it was ridiculous.

Are you talking about these?? cause looking at these, Ive never even heard of half of them! Link

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Wolf Creek is genuinely creepy and scary in a "real" way but it sold itself as something it wasn't. If you go into that movie knowing it's not a horror movie you'll be all right.

Agreed, Wolf Creek was the last scary movie that I've seen.

I'm going to go out and say the IT is the scariest movie that I have watched

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Horror as a genre is dead; at least over in North American it'd seem. I think the last good 'horror' movie I've seen come out here was Scream.

It's not the film industry's fault entirely because people lump way too many movies into the scary/horror movie genre for its own good. Wolf Creek is genuinely creepy and scary in a "real" way but it sold itself as something it wasn't. If you go into that movie knowing it's not a horror movie you'll be all right.

I definately agree that too many films are lumped into horror now. Alot of more "thriller" movies. I just rented the first Alien for an essay I'm writing now, it's on the backround as I am posting, weird you mentioned it in your first post.

I think the Exercism of Emily Rose was the scariest of the more recent movies I've seen. However I took it in as a 100% truthful re-telling when it came into the theatre. I know it's not, but I did what I could to talk myself into it and that helped. Same with the Blair Witch Project, I saw it on the first or second night when I was younger and everything was set-up like it was real. The website for it was awesome in that regard.

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The reality of a subject helps something be a lot more scary than anything else. I thought White Noise or whatever it was would be scary based on the EVPs they played in the trailer, but I heard it was a steaming pile. Emily Rose as a whole didn't scare me but when they played the exorcism footage I got creeped out because it was the original recordings.

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Those Slipknot music videos and posters are scarier than half of the films nowadays.

i know i am relatively young to be sayin the above but watching classic horrors are nothing like today.

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The reality of a subject helps something be a lot more scary than anything else. I thought White Noise or whatever it was would be scary based on the EVPs they played in the trailer, but I heard it was a steaming pile. Emily Rose as a whole didn't scare me but when they played the exorcism footage I got creeped out because it was the original recordings.

I had forgotten about the original tape recordings until you mentioned that. It was pretty weird watching it onscreen. I found the exercism parts to be scary, and the 3:00am parts. Other than that, it wasn't overly scary, but alot stuck in my mind afterwords. Moreso than alot of recent movies I've seen. I still think alot of people missed out on the Blair Witch Project by knowing too much before seeing it.

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Ive never been truly scared from a movie but anything that involves religion or possesion makes me very uncomfterable. I saw the exorcist 2 and the second I saw the crosses upsidown chills ran down my spine. For some reason those are the only things really to bother me. I do get startled tho like with movies that have people popping out. I thought the ring movies were hilarious.

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Paranoid of what, a cancer-ridden self-righteous bastard coming to get you out of nowhere? I called the years I felt that fear Catholic school.

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The hills have eyes.. most fucked up movie ive seen in years its ridiculiously retarded

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don't think it was scary but... the  unrated version of the hills have eyes was nasty :o

Yeah no doubt...I actually almost puked at a couple points in the movie.

Really? I saw it back when it was in theaters, it was pretty gross, but I've seen worse. I didn't think about picking up the the unrated one because I wasn't sure there was really that much more stuff in it. Messed up movie, not very scary, just messed up.

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If u dont count when i was a little kid and scared of everything, i have never EVER watched a scary movie that actualy scared me. It pisses me off.

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Any movie with Michael Moore, he's so fat, ugly, and stupid it scares the crap out of me.


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