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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What kind of socks?

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i use thin sock if my skate are getting too small if not regular cotton sock. i don't know why you guys ae complaining about them... i skate 3-4x a week and the last time my feet hurt was 4 years ago because my skate were too small..

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i too, skate barefoot. my skates smell like hell, but (if it makes sense) i feel like i have more control because my feet dont move around alot. make shure u dry your skates well afterwards though, or they start to get slimy..... eww

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i too, skate barefoot. my skates smell like hell, but (if it makes sense) i feel like i have more control because my feet dont move around alot. make shure u dry your skates well afterwards though, or they start to get slimy..... eww

i like skating barefoot to but sometimes i wear socks

doesnt skating barefoot make you skate get softer quiker or something with the durability

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Skate barefoot.

Your feet won't move around at all (if your skates fit right)

Skates will smell like ass, but the fit is great.

your skate sharpener will also hate you :P

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I wear this sock I bought from the shop in my gym. It's very nice fit and has lil pads on the ankles.

Whilst on the subject of socks, how does Erik Cole wear his socks like that?

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Whilst on the subject of socks, how does Erik Cole wear his socks like that?

Just gets a long then usual pair of socks and pulls them over his skates. I use to do it

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I use Ultimate skating sock with a nike soccer sock over it. The soccer sock is a little thicker in the heel and in the toes area which helps with blisters(used to have issues with the toe caps) and is just more comfortable for me.

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I recently only had 1 all cotton sock in my bag and had to go out to the shop and by some. They had the Synergy socks so I bought them. I loved tham and they are now all that I wear.

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Got new CCM top end skates and decided to get half a dozen pairs of Nike Dry-Fit socks. Perfect combination. Pleased. Good move at $7/pair coz were I am now they're $20 a pair.

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I use Hanes.. they have grey toes. You can get them from walmart for like $5 for 6 pair. I hate gimicy things..

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I wear some Franklin soccer socks from Walmart. They are vented in the back of the calf and are snug around the middle of my foor. Great deal for $5 a pair. I think that they are a mix of polyester, cotton, and lycra.

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I wear some Franklin soccer socks from Walmart. They are vented in the back of the calf and are snug around the middle of my foor. Great deal for $5 a pair. I think that they are a mix of polyester, cotton, and lycra.

Order up some of the sanitary socks from Pear Sox outside Philly. Good product, great price and you can actually make money on them in the shop.

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I used to use regular cotton socks, then tried Wigwam Ultimax socks. They are great.

When I purchased my new skates the shop threw in a pair of BaySix skate socks. They're basically very thin moisture wicking socks. I ended up with blisters using those so I switched back to the Ultimax socks. No more blisters.

I like the way the synthetic-material socks keep my feet mostly dry, as compared to the cotton socks. However, I'm thinking they may be contributing more to my skates getting pretty funky smelling.

I got the Wigwams at REI for like $11 or $12. I also got a pair of similar REI brand for a couple bucks less. They work as well as the "name brand" ones.

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I wear sanitary socks. At $3 a pair they are disposable after 5 - 10 games. I usually go through 4 - 6 pair a year. They come up to the knee which I like because my shin pad can't rub against my leg. They are thin enough to give the bare-foot feeling (I went bare-foot for about 15 years), but they trap the bacteria which cause stinky skates. I understand most pro trainers have their players in socks to prevent the spread of athlete's foot and bacterial infections.

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I wear sanitary socks. At $3 a pair they are disposable after 5 - 10 games. I usually go through 4 - 6 pair a year.

Where do you get these? How thick/thin are they? You say they trap bacteria, does that mean your skates don't get so smelly?

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