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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom one piece sticks

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I know that there was a topic on custom synergies a few weeks back but what about the other companys like TPS, Mission, Bauer, and Sher-Wood, can you order your very own cstom stick from them?

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I think the reason was that his LHS owner is who paints TPS's custom goalie helmets, so TPS did him a favor.

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TPS does make custom one piece sticks. At least I had custom Response sticks two seasons ago.

Didn't you get them through your team at the time?

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I remember him showing us the pro order form.

exactly my point. That option isn't available to regular retail customers.

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Alden didn`t get his, however there was another guy who did get custom XN10`s, and he took pics too, had a nice curve too. I tried searching too ethan but was unsuccessful. I`m not sure the guy had a pro orfer form, I don`t remeber that. Point is, where there`s a will there`s a way.

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