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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Northeast Heatwave

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With all the high-temperatures going on in the Northeast, how many people have gotten the worst of it? We haven't had any power outtages in Southern New Jersey (at least where I live and the surrounding towns), but it's been pretty bad this week. Any thoughts on it? I'm not too excited for my roller hockey game tomorrow during this heat. It's an outdoor rink and we usually have around 6 guys...so some of us are having 6-7 minute shifts...crazy.

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Yesterday and today was the worst heat I've ever felt....36 celcius...(humidex 45+).

For those of you in Fahrenheit scale....that's 102 straight temp....plus the humidity.

It's sickly hot. We played baseball last night, and lucked out...we got the diamond that has some tree cover around both benches, and a breeze picked up to make it tolerable...

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We had one out in the NW two weeks ago. It was getting up to 105 here, which is unheard of. Definitely the worst time for your car's AC to go out. I got major swamp-ass from just driving half a mile.

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I got major swamp-ass from just driving half a mile.

Hahaha that sucksss. Heat index today was 110, temperature got up to I think 98. It's been crazy the past two days, and I almost went to Warped Tour tomorrow :o

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I'm in St. Louis, MO and we haven't had a day under 100 F in the past 5, it was upwards of 115 with heat index a few of those days. Midwest humidity is way worse than anything on the coast -- it sucks.

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I'm on the Bay of Fundy, usually the coolest place in inhabited North America on any given summer day. The hotter the air that hits it the foggier it gets, but not today. It was 105 on my deck which is unheard of, and it was still in the 80's at 8pm AST. It was 96 when the sun went over the other side of the house. Hoping for our usualy 65 by midnight, but I doubt it. I may have to peel off one of the quilts.

Last nights thunderstorm was the worst (best?) I've seen here in 25years.

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Its pretty bad around here, it was around 102 here today. But yesterday we had a t-storm and lost power from 6 pm to 2 am. For some reason it was fun, rollerblading around in the pitch black.

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yup southern ontario is dealing with it the 31st the 1st and today has been hell with the temp. being over 100 plus the humidity(don't know what it was)

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all i have to say about this is.....


but man i went into my garage it was like a friggin oven compared to my house

i need some more ice cream too

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It's been completel insane. Heat index in NYC was anywhere between 118-122, depending on who reports it. I work in the city and its seriously like you are breathing solid air. Its disgusting.

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AC is cranked at work so no current problems, driving is horrible without AC and golfing on Tuesday was even worse though.

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With all the high-temperatures going on in the Northeast, how many people have gotten the worst of it? We haven't had any power outtages in Southern New Jersey (at least where I live and the surrounding towns), but it's been pretty bad this week. Any thoughts on it? I'm not too excited for my roller hockey game tomorrow during this heat. It's an outdoor rink and we usually have around 6 guys...so some of us are having 6-7 minute shifts...crazy.

No power outage yet, that's because the State of New York is buying electricity from us in Quebec lol. We've had it pretty hot here too. 48 degrees celcius yesterday.. (118.4) and we had no power outage because of electricity consumptions. Some places did have some power outage because of violent storms and some tornados though

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40 degrees celcius yesterday i thought it was hot outside then i went in my garage and it must have been 5 to 10 degrees hotter in there :o but just my luck i got to go to the beach B)

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Heat index here in DC about 108 today, apparently it was 111 yesterday.

So long as the power does not go out at home, when I am at work, we have 2 dogs, and I don't like the idea of them sweltering with no A/C during the day, poor little buggars

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