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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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white pads

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And it was invented by a black man!

:lol: hahahaha, NICE!

My pads are white with a little black on them and if you take the time to clean them you can keep them looking nice.

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I had a pair of Forrester all white pads for 11 yrs, and I dont think they looked any worse. These were followed by a pair of all white Velo's. The white is sweeet. I never cleaned puck arks off them, nor cleaned them. No need to.

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I cleaned my pads with Peanut Butter and killed 2 of my defensemen who had peanut allergies. Just kidding. :lol:

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For some reason whenever I play against a goalie wearing all white pads I have alot of trouble. There is something about them that gives me a hard time.

I have no clue why. But something me and my friends joke arond with sometimes is like helmets with a mirror effect on them. I guess the chrome comes close to it. That is really distracting. If they could get that onto pads itd be amazing.

Worst Ive ever seen is a kid put bright neon tape across all his pads. Super annoying.

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For some reason whenever I play against a goalie wearing all white pads I have alot of trouble. There is something about them that gives me a hard time.

I think it might have something to do with all the things coming into play. You're feeling the puck on your blade, using your paying attention to everything you can see(peripheral vison) and your brain has a hard time trying to see the holes you can put the puck. ice = white, net = white, boards behind net = white(depending on ads). If you really think about it there is a LOT going on and when you're focusing on all those separate things your vision can kind of cloud things. White, in my opinion, is like goalie camouflage. But that is all my reasoning, I could be waaay off.

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Look great, but impossible to keep clean and for resale - AWFUL.

Would never pay full price for all white. But easiest pads to get a great deal on.

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Look great, but impossible to keep clean and for resale - AWFUL.

Would never pay full price for all white. But easiest pads to get a great deal on.

i think all red pads would be hard to shoot on just cause when u look up whats one of the first colours you see automatically, 9 outta 10 its red so u see red and you shoot for it I find

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One of my goalies this year had the new Vaugh pads (V2?), in black/white/silver. Whenever the white got alot of puck marks on them, he would use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. It Worked wonders on his pads.

A goalie on the local Junior A team, had all white pads so he could easily sell them again, after he cleaned them up...(I think what he was getting at was that they go with any jersey's)

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