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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New NFL Referee Uniforms

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Teams change jerseys regularly, why not allow the refs to change as well? We'll get used to it soon enough.

On the bright side: At least they didn't go with the Under Armor skin-tight look. That would be unforgivable!

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On the bright side: At least they didn't go with the Under Armor skin-tight look. That would be unforgivable!

Eeewww (Shudders) I would never watch football again. Uh, imagine the crotch hugging shorts and pants.

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I saw them on TV tonight and they're not as bad as I thought they would be.

I was thinking the same thing. Still have a traditional look...but just spiced up a little.

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Anyone else think they look like multi-colored trashbags? :unsure:


Well on the one game I saw, maybe the ref was really sweaty, but as they were showing him going back to the field to discuss a challenge, it looked like he was wearing a black-and-white trashbag.

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