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Bauer XXX Lite vs TPS Adrenaline Control

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Bauer XXX Lite vs TPS Adrenaline Control

I went to a local hockey shop.

For 50 mins (no joke) I was standing just looking two sticks, XXX lite and Adrenaline Control. If I could have both of them, that would be great. But I need to choose one! I have been asking tons of help for other guys but they really don't know anything. Let me hear what the real experts say! (basically everyone here)

PS- oh! I mainly take slapshot (I'm D-man if that helps).


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Id say go with the Adreneline. XXXlites are knows to have bad durability, and I had an XN10 which is practically the same as an adreneline and it was an absolute tank! Theyre light and perform well too.

If you dont have the Cash to buy them both, im guessing you dont have the money to keep replacing them if they break. so i would go for the Adreneline.

By the way I havent used the XXXlite.

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They are different sticks. THe XXX lite is a true one piece, while the Adrenaline is a fused OPS. It really depends on what curve your looking for as well. The shaft shapes are different as well (correct me if Im wrong) I prefer the Adrenaline, the feel is amazing (kills the XXX IMO) and the performance is great as well. Have to get a new one :(

Just my $.02

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I'd suggest going with a tapered shaft/blade combo if replacing them will be a financial concern. Out of the two choices given though I'd go with TPS as well assuming they have a curve and flex you like. If not, pick which one has what you're looking for.

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I agree with mack. If you really want a OPS though, go with the Adrenaline. Or a Warrior Dolomite, if you can find one.

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If you take a lot of slappers, go with the adrenaline.

I think that TPS kept the "slash zone" protection on their new lines too.

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I have 2 Adrenaline sticks the blue one and the control, I really like the performance of them, they last a lot longer than bauer ops, I have had these sticks for 4 months and usually I break a stick a month. A lot of my teammates use the XXX lite and I see a lot of them break, Just my 2 cents I would go with the TPS.

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Yah the xxx lite are more for forwards who are taking lots of wrist shots/snap shots,

Go with the adrenaline way more durability

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thanks guys.

Is Morrow(Lidstrom) curve okay for slapshot?

(Well... I haven't used this curve so ask some feedback)

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its good for rising slapshots i am a d-man i like more of a slighty open mid curve so i can keep the puck down but thats just my opinion go with what you are comfortable with

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its good for rising slapshots i am a d-man i like more of a slighty open mid curve so i can keep the puck down but thats just my opinion go with what you are comfortable with


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Also, I believe the Adrenaline has the damper rubber insert in the shaft for a more natural feel. As far as the xxxlite goes, I'd bet $10 if you bought it that it would break quick in the lower shaft right between the letter V and the letter A in the word VAPOR. I've repaired no less than 1 dozen that broke in this exact same spot. It may be a nice performing stick, let's leave it at that.

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you mean XXX lite has lesser durability than Adrenaline?

A xxx lite has less durability then an adrenaline.

At least that is what most people believe. I disagree and say the Adrenaline is not durable at all and breaks very quickly. But thats just me.

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I'd suggest going with a tapered shaft/blade combo if replacing them will be a financial concern. Out of the two choices given though I'd go with TPS as well assuming they have a curve and flex you like. If not, pick which one has what you're looking for.

In the event that he snaps the Adrenaline in the blade, he can hit up the hosel area and treat it as a tapered shaft/blade combo.

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I'd suggest going with a tapered shaft/blade combo if replacing them will be a financial concern.  Out of the two choices given though I'd go with TPS as well assuming they have a curve and flex you like.  If not, pick which one has what you're looking for.

In the event that he snaps the Adrenaline in the blade, he can hit up the hosel area and treat it as a tapered shaft/blade combo.

Pretty much, thats what i did to my adrenaline and the blade wasent even broken.

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Speaking of cutting the Adrenaline sticks - where do you cut them? I just broke my XN10 and Adrenaline sticks in quick succession, so now I want to cut them both. I cut the XN10 at the same height as a TPS tappered blade, but there doesn't seem to be a clear distinction between the shaft and the blade - do I just need to carefully hollow it out there, or do i need to cut higher up (thus losing length)?

Thanks in advance


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Speaking of cutting the Adrenaline sticks - where do you cut them? I just broke my XN10 and Adrenaline sticks in quick succession, so now I want to cut them both. I cut the XN10 at the same height as a TPS tappered blade, but there doesn't seem to be a clear distinction between the shaft and the blade - do I just need to carefully hollow it out there, or do i need to cut higher up (thus losing length)?

Thanks in advance


I heated the fuse point on the adrenaline and outlined the area with a exacto knife and then heated it again and pulled the blade out.

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I heated the fuse point on the adrenaline and outlined the area with a exacto knife and then heated it again and pulled the blade out.

OK, thanks. I tried that with my XN10, and couldn't get the blade to budge at all, so cut through all the way to see if I was in the right spot, but it didn't look like a clearly distinct blade hossel and shaft. Guess I'll have to try again on the Adrenaline.

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