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Glove Palm Wear

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Hey guys...just bought a pair of one90 gloves - absolutly love them!

The only thing I'm concerned about is the palms...they are a mix of a lycra type material and thin leather reienforcements. After just a few weeks play this leather is getting worn quite a bit and I'm worried about the time these palms will last.

I currently use about 10cm of regular stick tape at the top of my stick, I put ribs into it by rolling tape underneath then taping over it. I used to use grip tape...but I'm pretty sure that this causes even more damage to the palms.

So anyways...I was wondering what you guys do to protect your glove palms...this question goes out to both one90 users and any other type...I'v heard of guys using electrical tape because this doesn't wear down your gloves at all...

Thanks for your help guys...

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i'v tried....can't find anything

i'v searched for 'glove palms', 'glove protection' 'palms'

no relevant result....

any one90 users out there?

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I searched ... palm

As a first search attempt, try to use one word that will best get at what you want. (Please read with a helpful tone & manner and not a snotty one...LOL)

here is one of the recent threads


Using an advanced google search limited to our domain works really well too.

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I have found that tacki mac command grips dont wear your glove barely at all and are farely sticky, i would try on of these. A lot of players i know are switching to these for that very reason, most of the guys cut the bulky rubber knob off the top and just slide the grip on, imo this is the way to go to save gloves

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I saw an interesting grip the other day. A kid used a waxed skate lace wrapped tight around the shaft covered in clear poly tape. Seems like it wouldn't do much damage to gloves.

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I saw an interesting grip the other day. A kid used a waxed skate lace wrapped tight around the shaft covered in clear poly tape. Seems like it wouldn't do much damage to gloves.

It wasnt a small little white kid with an earing by any chance, was it?

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I tape the top glove palm with white stick tape. I believe Renfrew tape worked great. You redo it from time to time, yet it lasts pretty long if you do it right.

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It's not the type tape it's the glue on the tape that eats away at palms. I think the clear stretch tape glue is not as heavy and clear tape does not roll like cloth tape (rolling exposes glue.)

My vote though is for taci-macs.

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I am just wondering......wouldnt it be easier to just tell the poor guy what to do in order to fix his gloves....I mean I know it is a pain to many of you diehard modsquaders out there but honestly, some people just want to chat on here and ask questions. I mean, what would you do if your kid asked you a question twice? would you beat him with a fishing weight on a string or would you just answer his question. Case in point, take it easy people, i know they can look it up on the search thing, but come on....some of that stuff on there is months old, and the last time I checked, eguipment is always changing.

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I am just wondering......wouldnt it be easier to just tell the poor guy what to do in order to fix his gloves....I mean I know it is a pain to many of you diehard modsquaders out there but honestly, some people just want to chat on here and ask questions. I mean, what would you do if your kid asked you a question twice? would you beat him with a fishing weight on a string or would you just answer his question. Case in point, take it easy people, i know they can look it up on the search thing, but come on....some of that stuff on there is months old, and the last time I checked, eguipment is always changing.

ummm k? It seems like everyone was helping him and even linked him to another thread where this was discussed.

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You make a great point - It's not all that helpful to suggest people search if they don't know how to do it. But this thread didn't go off on a tangent as much as some do! BTW - The thread pulled up was two weeks old and did directly address his concerns.

That aside, I was looking at the one90 glove yesterday. The reinforcing leather across the palm seems to be an interesting idea that might help gloves be more durable because the thicker leather falls at a contact/wear point.

Fact is, palms have become very thin to increase your feel, and thin material will logically wear faster: I don't think you can have BOTH increased feel and durability. I could be out to lunch on this one.

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Fact is, palms have become very thin to increase your feel, and thin material will logically wear faster: I don't think you can have BOTH increased feel and durability.

not yet. In all likelyhood in a few years they will solve this by making some sort of composite cloth or something and will solve this issue... BUT of course they will decide not to use it so that you have to replace your gloves every year/couple years so that they can make more money. Oh well such is life.

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It's not the type tape it's the glue on the tape that eats away at palms. I think the clear stretch tape glue is not as heavy and clear tape does not roll like cloth tape (rolling exposes glue.)

My vote though is for taci-macs.


I was fascinated with this when you first mentioned it a couple of weeks ago. You're the first person who has ever mentioned glue residue as a factor in breaking down palms faster.

I've always thought it was just friction and sweat that caused wear... not that I've invested any time in thinking about this!!

Do you know what it is in the glue and what the reaction is with the material?

Does it effect different material more than others?

Is sweat a factor - I mean, is it actually a reaction with sweat or is it just the glue alone?

I'm not being a jerk here - just my curiosity on its usual overdrive.

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I saw an interesting grip the other day.  A kid used a waxed skate lace wrapped tight around the shaft covered in clear poly tape.  Seems like it wouldn't do much damage to gloves.

It wasnt a small little white kid with an earing by any chance, was it?

not sure on the earring, but yeah. with blonde hair. I open skate at iceland friday nights and got there early. he had a jr SL all tricked out with spraypainted blade and all.

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