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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I don't know what's more interesting; a RbK employee pushing his former employer's product/customizer or the fact that this stick is no different than a RbK 7k repainted.

So, I guess if you like RbK sticks, carry on wayward son. :rolleyes:

what are you talking about

what sticks repainted the mia one

He's saying Mia repainted the Rbk

No, he is saying that they are made in the same plant as the RBKs were made.

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Anyone know if since they are made in the same plant they would be able to use one of RBK's Pro Patterns on a stick?

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When i went to get my skates sharpened, the shop had just gotten the new Inferno's in, and like mentioned before about it being a repainted 7k, i'd have to back that comment up, seeing how i felt it to have an almost identical feel. Although the feel and the weight doesn't match up to say a stick like the stealth, or xxx lite, or any other high end stick, i think its a reasonable stick for a reasonable price. Around here in Nova Scotia anyway.

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RBKs are the sloppiest sticks ever made. I was working on a 6k shaft yesterday in the store...not only were the shaft wall thicknesses way off, the end wasn't even flush - it was cut at an angle.

Let's see if the Mexican ones are better.

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i think its a reasonable stick for a reasonable price. Around here in Nova Scotia anyway.

where in N.S ? and what was the price

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i think its a reasonable stick for a reasonable price. Around here in Nova Scotia anyway.

where in N.S ? and what was the price

Sportwheels in Sackville, and it was a little under $200 i believe.

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TruBluShirt => isn't the Easton Iginla really really close to the TPS Messier? I've used both and if I recall they're both short blades with slight mid curve and very little loft. think both are also 5.5 lie....

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Know Rbk shafts break like toothpicks around here, but what about the blade?

Thinking about ordering some custom (standard) RB's, are the 7k blades good & durable, or just plain sh*t.

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TruBluShirt => isn't the Easton Iginla really really close to the TPS Messier? I've used both and if I recall they're both short blades with slight mid curve and very little loft. think both are also 5.5 lie....

I had to refer back to my Easton catalog for a description on the Iginla pattern and your right Tyco. Its pretty close to the Messier curve. Thanks for the heads up. B)

BTW Did you get over your injury? Hope your back out on the ice. How's the Inferno working for you?

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Lets not forget you get your name printed on it aswell ;)

Limit of 8 letters. Lame. <_<

Yeah, that definitely blows. My name is 10 letters long, and I wanted to write an entire sentence down the shaft.

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i think its a reasonable stick for a reasonable price. Around here in Nova Scotia anyway.

where in N.S ? and what was the price

Sportwheels in Sackville, and it was a little under $200 i believe.

thats odd. i was just in there about a week or two ago, and never saw them. musta just came in then.

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RBKs are the sloppiest sticks ever made. I was working on a 6k shaft yesterday in the store...not only were the shaft wall thicknesses way off, the end wasn't even flush - it was cut at an angle.

Let's see if the Mexican ones are better.

Woah, extremely valuable information right here, ladies and gents.

Thank you, JR!

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A. They are not the same construction as the RBK OPS

B. You can put more than 8 letters on the shaft.

C. If you have any questions concerning the sticks, shafts or blades contact MIA direct!

Have a great day!

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