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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What is the red Easton stick in this picture?

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The half-assed headlines are getting old.

I agree 100%

Can the mods change the title of the threads? It would save on some useless clicking. <_<

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The half-assed headlines are getting old.

I agree 100%

Can the mods change the title of the threads? It would save on some useless clicking. <_<

It's already a lot of work trying to keep this place in order and I'm opposed to rewarding laziness. That said, this one is fixed.

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agreed, you guys do a great job and shouldn't have to fix every little thing. That's a bit much to ask from you guys! lol

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id say its more orange than red so id say regular old si-core

Sorry, no. The non-grip Si-Core is bright orange, think of a pumpkin.

good call after further inspection it is indeed a Si-Core GRIP

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Man forget the stick.....those are the coolest USA hockey socks I have ever seen! I need me a pair a dose!

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Man forget the stick.....those are the coolest USA hockey socks I have ever seen! I need me a pair a dose!

Those socks are bad and wrong.

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The half-assed headlines are getting old.

Sorry.. it was just a quick and easy reply and confermation that it IS an '04 sicore grip from easton. A lot of my team last year used them, I even went through a few non-grip models through the season.

I'll be a little more careful next time about my short posts.

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The half-assed headlines are getting old.

Sorry.. it was just a quick and easy reply and confermation that it IS an '04 sicore grip from easton. A lot of my team last year used them, I even went through a few non-grip models through the season.

I'll be a little more careful next time about my short posts.

He was talking about the title, not your post. Unless you were being sarcastic right there.

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The half-assed headlines are getting old.

Sorry.. it was just a quick and easy reply and confermation that it IS an '04 sicore grip from easton. A lot of my team last year used them, I even went through a few non-grip models through the season.

I'll be a little more careful next time about my short posts.

He was talking about the title, not your post. Unless you were being sarcastic right there.

I thought it was about the title too.. but I thought I would reply, just in case. :blink:

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