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Suggestions please? Tight fitting gloves

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I have looked and looked and looked and I am almost at witts end.

I need a new pair of gloves for this up comming season. The only issue is that I have small hands. I prefer a tighter fitting glove with a tighter cuff. Right now, I am using Eagle rebel 14" intermediate gloves. They have held up for a while now, but after taking a few slashes at practice, I am honestly afraid I will break MORE bones in my hands. I have already broken my thumb last season from being checked into the boards in a weird postion. I honestly would like to play the entire season this trip around.

Heres my glove history..

-Youth CCM 452tacks for most of my younger years.. - GREAT gloves, but I was a kid back then, I didn't care what I was wearing.

-Bauer XX Nylons for a while. - I didn't like the cuff at all. It felt like my gloves would fall right off my hands if I didn't make a fist..

-Bauer V - Felt a little tighter around the palm, but the cuff felt bigger than the XX's.

-Eagle Rebels - Shitty, entry level glove.. but they are built like a tank.. These gloves fit my hands VERY well, both in the palm and the cuff, but they are really made for a less agressive, non college contact hockey player.

I heard that the one90's are a nice form fitting glove, but I don't want to drop $150 on a pair of gloves. I might get a pair of one70s if they fit right. My lhs doesn't have shit as far as gloves goes and the closest thing I found were a pair of nylon vectors in 15". I tried them on last thursday, today they were gone...

Any other suggestions? My lhs owner is an asshat, Play it again only has pricepoint CCM's, and I dont want to drive an hour to go to The Players Bench in Murray.. so I dont feel too bad about shopping online if I have to.

Thanks ahead of time.

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you might want to check out the easton's with the smart cuff, it goes around your wrist and can be tightined not sure if they would be tight enough in the palm area though, that would be your personla pref. or get some wrist guards?

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go with the nike gloves. i have smaller hands myself and even wear cotton gloves under my hockey gloves and the nike gloves have fit me the best.

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Badkitty, My daughter went through a massive glove search a few months back, when she lost a glove the week before the Provincial Championships. Like you, she prefers gloves snug through the palm/fingers with a tighter cuff.

The Missions fit great and we would have bought them except there wasn't any time to break them in.

We ended up buying Bauer XXX because they fit so well in the palm and didn't need break-in. She didn't like the XXX wide cuff, and initially planned to wear a slash guard to fill-in the space, but has adjusted to the fit now; they fit so well in the palm that they don't feel like they are going to fall off.

She also tried on the one90's and one70's a week ago "for fun" and loved the fit of them.

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yeah for your situation id have to go with whbd and say that the missions are quite comfortable for its fit

and the supreme line are a a tighter fitting glove as well but are extremely comfortable

but dont go with eastons they are exactly what you do need if you need tight fitting gloves they are a regular-loose fitting glove and that smart cuff thing is just so damn annoying when trying to stickhandle

go with the 750's or Supreme 70's

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Thanks everybody.. I'm going to drive to Murray afterall. I called and they have the one70 and some mission gloves that I can look at.

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I love the one90 miles over the one70... I say spoil yourself occasionally, luckily i got mine for the price of one70s! yay :D

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I agree with whbd18.

The Easton smart cuff has a velcro enclosure...almost like having a buit in wrist band for the cuff. It will be the most custom fit you will find in a glove. The One90s run pretty damn small so they are another good but costly choice.

The older Bauer SBP Pro in a 13" would fit you hand most likely, but it is a pretty open cuff glove, so those may not work. I wear a 14" in those and I like them a lot.

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I agree with whbd18.

The Easton smart cuff has a velcro enclosure...almost like having a buit in wrist band for the cuff. It will be the most custom fit you will find in a glove. The One90s run pretty damn small so they are another good but costly choice.

The older Bauer SBP Pro in a 13" would fit you hand most likely, but it is a pretty open cuff glove, so those may not work. I wear a 14" in those and I like them a lot.

I use the Easton Synergy 900 and really like them. IMHO they feel narrow and don't feel like they want to fall off. I preffer a narrow glove and didn't like the XXX's because they felt BIG. I like the cuff on the 900's for the added protection and the fit on the wrist.

So far I'm happy with them

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tried on Supreme 50 gloves at my lhs, and i wasnt expecting much but these were amazing for a lower end glove. very mobile, light and they felt pretty protective

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TPS has a removeable extended cuff(I think the glove that I saw it on was the Bionic20) that is cool, and the overall fit od the glove is tighter than most. I was actually considering buying those before I got the one90s. It's also a bit cheaper than the one90 gloves, but it's still a top end glove. I don't know which other TPS gloves come with the "wrist strap" but it's very comfortable.

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I too am looking for a tight fitting glove. I really liked the one90, one70, vapor xx and vapor x (all the gloves I tried on). How do the TPS gloves fit though? I've had on one that felt great and since then all of them felt big.

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I too am looking for a tight fitting glove. I really liked the one90, one70, vapor xx and vapor x (all the gloves I tried on). How do the TPS gloves fit though? I've had on one that felt great and since then all of them felt big.

HGTs aren't as tight as Nikes but they are more snug than a lot of other models.

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i wear 13's. but my left hand keeps getting banged up & doesn't seem to heal. it's not broken bones, just bruised bones. still hurts like a bitch.

i never thought of trying a tighter glove, or one that offers more protection. but i guess i'm in a similar boat as you.

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one thing I've noticed was that normally I give myself some medium hard whacks in the hand and the one90s left my wrist hurting a bit. With my eagle x50s I barely felt a thing. Through the hand the protection is good but right on the top of the wrist when the NBH logo is it's a bit less protective than I would like to see from a top of the line glove.

I should add that my fingers and hand are more than well protected, but I'm not 100% happy with the wrist protection.

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one thing I've noticed was that normally I give myself some medium hard whacks in the hand and the one90s left my wrist hurting a bit. With my eagle x50s I barely felt a thing. Through the hand the protection is good but right on the top of the wrist when the NBH logo is it's a bit less protective than I would like to see from a top of the line glove.

I should add that my fingers and hand are more than well protected, but I'm not 100% happy with the wrist protection.

you could try to put a slash guard on your wrist if there is enough room in the glove

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lol, I need to get a slash sleeve. I have a gap between my elbows and glove(can't upsize from 15" gloves and large elbow pads) as it is... I'll live. *shrug*

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lol, I need to get a slash sleeve. I have a gap between my elbows and glove(can't upsize from 15" gloves and large elbow pads) as it is... I'll live. *shrug*

if 4" is long enough then go here

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Just an update. I was in my LHS friday and left with a pair of eagle x6's. The cuff is big, but the rest of th glove "huggs" my hand. I'm not sure what the palm is made of, but it feels like a dream.

I went into the shop with full intent on buying one90s, but they were out of stock. I tried on a lot of gloves and I was stuck on RBK 6k Nylons or the Eagles. After thinking about how my current eagles have lasted me 2 seasons without a tear, it was an easy choice.

Eagle Odyssey x6 ftw.

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The Palm is made of somehting called the MSH1 material... I don't know much else about it. They are exclusive to the Odysseys though.

Its really nice... feels like a really soft chamouse(sp?)

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I too am looking for a tight fitting glove. I really liked the one90, one70, vapor xx and vapor x (all the gloves I tried on). How do the TPS gloves fit though? I've had on one that felt great and since then all of them felt big.

Don't get X I have it myself its a medoker glove that did not break in well and the cuff is way to big. It seems to feel that it falls off easier than other gloves.

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