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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How much do you pay for a sharpening

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I was just wondering because a kid came in from new york and said his lHS charges 25 dollars per sharpening. So i was just wondering if anyone else has to pay anything close to that.

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I was just wondering because a kid came in from new york and said his lHS charges 25 dollars per sharpening. So i was just wondering if anyone else has to pay anything close to that.

$4-6 depending on where you go.

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wow 25 is insane at our shop its 6 bucks for a hockey sharpening 10 for a first time sharpening

wherever you went to get a crappy, expensive sharpening i day never go there again cause that LHS does NOT need supporting if they charge 5 times a regular sharpening

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$20 for first time sharpening, $5 for regular sharpening.

when you buy skates at my lhs you get a free first skate sharpening

I bought mine from hockeymonkey because I didn't have much to spend(about $150) and my LHS had vector 3.0(i think) for that price. I got 952 tacks for $130, so with the sharpening I came in just over what I had to spend(yay, credit cards) and I got a skate that fits and feels good. Normally, I try to support my LHS but that doesn't always work out. So I really didn't mind paying $25 for my first sharpening, I figure that that's close to what they'd be making on the skates if I had bought them there.

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It's when some retarded proshop charges you extra for applying oil and doing a final pass.

Steve wanted to do that and I refused. Why should you give customers anything less than your best effort every time? If someone is willing to pay a buck less for an inferrior sharpening across town just to save money, they deserve what they get.

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