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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How much do you pay for a sharpening

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My more-local LHS charges I think $4 per sharpening, and I'm not sure how much Pure Hockey charges, but I'll find out soon enough.

$5 for a sharpening at Pure Hockey.

I paid $20 for a radius on my Graf's which included a sharpening.

If I go on the right day I don't pay at all.

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I was just wondering because a kid came in from new york and said his lHS charges 25 dollars per sharpening. So i was just wondering if anyone else has to pay anything close to that.

Back in Ohio I could get a skate sharpening card for $30 and that was for 10 sharpenings.

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$4 - $5

Depending on where Seymour is working.

This guy is passionate about skate sharpening, borderline fetish.

He does nhl'ers who are in town during the off season.

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The ones in town have gone to $4. Check out the new place in the CIBC mall near R Rink, especially if u like a nice deep cut :)

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At my store the first sharpening is always free(if you bought the skates from us) and in addition we give you 10 free sharenings with every skate purchase. If you buy your skates from us we will put in a new hollow or do whatever you would like done to your blades for free. If you did not buy your skates from us a sharpening cost 5 bucks US.

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Thats killer man! I would die for my own skate sharpener, did your dad buy a new one?

O no way

it was used but in great shape

he got a good deal and didnt even know how to use it.

its great now though

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shit man some of you guys get ripped off.. the fist sharpening from the best guy intown cost 5$ and for every sharpening after that its 3.75$ CAD. and this guys does an amazing job to boot.

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I heard there is a M-E shop in NYC that charges $25  for sharpening.

Hello there-

I own/operate the Maximum Edge shop in NYC. Westside Skate & Stick.

We charge $15 for hockey player & goalie skates. First time, second time, 10th time. All skates are done at a custom radius (hollow) depending on the player. Figure skates are $20 per sharpen.

It's more than most people are used to paying but in NYC, the ice is consistantly bad, as is the rink pro shop at shrpening skates. We spent the money on training and can produce a consistantly better sharpening. I've been playing for over ten years in the adult league and used to get mine done by all the other sharpeners from Blades, Paragon et al. There is no comparing what they do versus what we do. Most of the other sharpeners in NYC don't even skate or play but when there"s only one shop, you're at their mercy. I've heard some rumbling about the price but when the cost per player of a league game is over $30, would you take the risk of having a bad sharpen?

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I heard there is a M-E shop in NYC that charges $25  for sharpening.

Hello there-

I own/operate the Maximum Edge shop in NYC. Westside Skate & Stick.

We charge $15 for hockey player & goalie skates. First time, second time, 10th time. All skates are done at a custom radius (hollow) depending on the player. Figure skates are $20 per sharpen.

It's more than most people are used to paying but in NYC, the ice is consistantly bad, as is the rink pro shop at shrpening skates. We spent the money on training and can produce a consistantly better sharpening. I've been playing for over ten years in the adult league and used to get mine done by all the other sharpeners from Blades, Paragon et al. There is no comparing what they do versus what we do. Most of the other sharpeners in NYC don't even skate or play but when there"s only one shop, you're at their mercy. I've heard some rumbling about the price but when the cost per player of a league game is over $30, would you take the risk of having a bad sharpen?

Yes, I referred a friend of mine who plays at CP to you. He still says I'm better though :)

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New York here.

$25 for the first sharpening. Paid $30 for my brothers Graf's.

$7.50 for everyone after that.

Seriously? Where in NY?

Anyone that charges 3-4 times more for a first time sharpen is a thief. With real crappy skates (under $100) the steel might have been crudely cut but for a decent pair of skates, it only takes a few more passes when they're new.

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I heard there is a M-E shop in NYC that charges $25  for sharpening.

Hello there-

I own/operate the Maximum Edge shop in NYC. Westside Skate & Stick.

We charge $15 for hockey player & goalie skates. First time, second time, 10th time. All skates are done at a custom radius (hollow) depending on the player. Figure skates are $20 per sharpen.

It's more than most people are used to paying but in NYC, the ice is consistantly bad, as is the rink pro shop at shrpening skates. We spent the money on training and can produce a consistantly better sharpening. I've been playing for over ten years in the adult league and used to get mine done by all the other sharpeners from Blades, Paragon et al. There is no comparing what they do versus what we do. Most of the other sharpeners in NYC don't even skate or play but when there"s only one shop, you're at their mercy. I've heard some rumbling about the price but when the cost per player of a league game is over $30, would you take the risk of having a bad sharpen?

Yes, I referred a friend of mine who plays at CP to you. He still says I'm better though :)

Hello JR - what shop do you work at?


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