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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MSH chat

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There was a topic on it a while ago and people said "ok lets all start going on it" but that didnt happen. I check it like every two days just randomly.

never caught anyone on it though.

ill get on now and see.

maybe later alot of people will get on?

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It was very short lasting. A ton of people used it when it was first introduced a while ago.

When theres a question session, theres usually alot of people in the chat, but those arent on a regular basis.

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We used to have big boy time in there but i haven't checked it in ages.

That was before it went public. Any way setting it up like that again? I'm down for another round of show and tell.

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I miss the "bigboy" time. I used to go in regularly, but it slowed down alot. Kovy, Kosy, Jr, Chadd, and a few others used to be in there regularly. The CCM and Mission (I believe) chats were good, but the CCM wasn't as busy (which can be looked upon as a good or bad thing).

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Can anyone help me out? Every time I try to log in all it says is

Connecting to server, please wait.

Unable to connect to server.

I have the latest Java and Firefox.

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Can anyone help me out? Every time I try to log in all it says is

Connecting to server, please wait.

Unable to connect to server.

I have the latest Java and Firefox.

are popups allowed for modsquadhockey.com? i had a problem like that but once i allowed pop-ups for this site it worked. (something popped up asking me if i want to run an app or something)

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Can anyone help me out?  Every time I try to log in all it says is

Connecting to server, please wait.

Unable to connect to server.

I have the latest Java and Firefox.

are popups allowed for modsquadhockey.com? i had a problem like that but once i allowed pop-ups for this site it worked. (something popped up asking me if i want to run an app or something)

The only time I ever get a popup is when I get a new private message.

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damn java! somebody should script a nice ajax chat program, it would be light and damn sexy... or ruby on rails would be nice, but ajax is tailor made for that crap.

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We used to have big boy time in there but i haven't checked it in ages.

That was before it went public. Any way setting it up like that again? I'm down for another round of show and tell.

This time around we'll be relying more on you, college boy. Some of us are retired and have had collections depleted.

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No it was a blonde that may or may not have been 18, so for all intents and purposes I have no clue who you guys are talking about. But I bet they were hot.

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yesterday i was on the chat and it was fine but today it wouldn't connect so i turned my norton internet security off and it works fine, i don't know if anyone else has norton or another antivirus but try that. also, if alot of people went on the chat seems pretty cool.

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