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Lindstrom Style Blades

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I was wondering if there were any blades with the same long, square shape as the Easton Lindstrom. However, I want a blade with less curve. Can anyone help finding other long, square blades? Thanks.

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P106 from Bauer is similar but less extreme and round toe'd. It goes by Gagne this year.

I thought they stuck with the Joiken name on the P106? Gagne was a totally different curve. P106 is more a Sakic not Lidstrom.

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P106 from Bauer is similar but less extreme and round toe'd. It goes by Gagne this year.

I thought they stuck with the Joiken name on the P106? Gagne was a totally different curve. P106 is more a Sakic not Lidstrom.

P106 is definitely not sakic-like. Full blown heel curve- but not as open as a lidstrom. The P106 was renamed the Gagne for '06 since the P10 was discontinued.

Mission's ribeiro is a smaller heel curve with a square toe, but is not as long as the Lidstrom.

IIRC, The RBK datsyuk is a mid with a square toe, not sure of the length, however.

If you can find an old Bauer P10 Gagne or an Easton Shanahan, they're also long with a square toe, but are mid-toe curves. Both of these curves have been discontinued, but you can still find them in some pro shops and LHS.

Another option would be to buy something with a round toe and cut off the tip, or if you use a shaft-blade combo, you can get wood lidstroms and straighten them out just a little bit.

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P106 from Bauer is similar but less extreme and round toe'd. It goes by Gagne this year.

I thought they stuck with the Joiken name on the P106? Gagne was a totally different curve. P106 is more a Sakic not Lidstrom.

P106 is definitely not sakic-like. Full blown heel curve- but not as open as a lidstrom. The P106 was renamed the Gagne for '06 since the P10 was discontinued.

Mission's ribeiro is a smaller heel curve with a square toe, but is not as long as the Lidstrom.

IIRC, The RBK datsyuk is a mid with a square toe, not sure of the length, however.

If you can find an old Bauer P10 Gagne or an Easton Shanahan, they're also long with a square toe, but are mid-toe curves. Both of these curves have been discontinued, but you can still find them in some pro shops and LHS.

Another option would be to buy something with a round toe and cut off the tip, or if you use a shaft-blade combo, you can get wood lidstroms and straighten them out just a little bit.

My next thought was Drury.

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Because i thought i saw P106 Joikenen XXX Lites.. Could of been wrong.

I think they made them last year the the Bauer XXX lite (no nike swoosh) and maybe some early ones with the swoosh. a friend of mine has a Hossa PM9 NBH XXX lite , but the PM9 is now St. Louis.

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Tambellini pro is a Lidstrom.

pre NikeBauer p106=Jokinen, p106 is now Gagne

P10 Gagne is discontinued

P02 old Bauer/Nike Pronger was a Lidstrom clone w/a 6 lie.

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TPS Morrow or Tucker?

Mission Ribeiro?

i have a tps perry blade (aka tucker) and its pretty close just a little bit more closed.

and plz learn how to spell lidstrom

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It (the pattern db) doesn't contain prostocks. Also I've found the db to inaccurate in my eyes.

IF you find it inaccurate in your eyes, since YOU'RE the expert - why are you asking US to find you a certain blade?

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Volchenkoz has a similar but not quite as aggressive curve...however, he too does not have the square end.

If you mean Volchenkov, then your wrong. He has more of a Modo curve. No heel whatsoever.

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you want less hook go with the CCM ovechkin.. i found it to be a bit smaller then a drury but the same feel but the downfall no square toe

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If you mean Volchenkov, then your wrong. He has more of a Modo curve. No heel whatsoever.

Have 3 of his sticks here beside me. Not Modano at all and yes there is a heel. I switched from the Modano because of the angle of the blade and also because I felt like I have had to skate with my knees touching the ice just to get the blade to sit flat.

And yes, sorry, Volchenkov - Ottawa Senators.

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I was wondering if there were any blades with the same long, square shape as the Easton Lindstrom. However, I want a blade with less curve. Can anyone help finding other long, square blades? Thanks.

Mission Ribeiro is the best match to your description. Square toe, less curve, maybe a hair shorter and a bit less loft.

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