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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Puck Feel Of Wood In OPS

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Sher-wood made a momentum with a wooden core (it was more like honeycomb). I used it for a season and loved it, then passed it down to my wife. Its the closest thing to a twig imo.

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Sher-wood made a momentum with a wooden core (it was more like honeycomb). I used it for a season and loved it, then passed it down to my wife. Its the closest thing to a twig imo.

Is that the current Momentum?

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I dont think so. The current momentum is a true graphite shaft.. no wood in it.

You want to find one of the momentums that have a hexcore.

Heres one of them.


Its really a great stick. It has plenty of feel, is light and has the consistancy and whip of a normal graphite only ops.

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yup and those franklin air-core were my best stick ever!! Well maybe my SL shaft paired with a Z-carbon blade could offer a challenge.

I had 4 of those franklin air core 7035!! Man they were built strong,excellent feel, light(around 500gr but balance was so great) nice polarfibre grip! great curve...uumm

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The Busch sticks are probably the best in this regard, also great for durability, but no taper so the performance is not as good (depending on who you ask) as those OPS that do have tapered-kick points

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How important is puck feel for you MSH members? I guess I'm just old school. I still use wooden sticks (Easton Z-Carbon Yzerman). Or if I'm using a two-piece I'll put in a wood blade. I'd like to venture out into the OPS world but it looks like my selection will be limited to the Mission Pulse and TPS Adrenaline. I'll have to try those 2 out.

If the lack of puck feel is the downfall of composite sticks, why do people continue to buy them? For the weight? Because it looks cool? Because the pros use them? Will it score you cool points with the puck bunnies? <_<

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How important is puck feel for you MSH members? I guess I'm just old school. I still use wooden sticks (Easton Z-Carbon Yzerman). Or if I'm using a two-piece I'll put in a wood blade. I'd like to venture out into the OPS world but it looks like my selection will be limited to the Mission Pulse and TPS Adrenaline. I'll have to try those 2 out.

If the lack of puck feel is the downfall of composite sticks, why do people continue to buy them? For the weight? Because it looks cool? Because the pros use them? Will it score you cool points with the puck bunnies?   <_<

The performance of OPS is greater than that of pretty much anything else, and that is why many people use them. Shots are, in general, harder due to the stiff blade and low kickpoint. I believe the low kickpoint also helps with accuracy, but i believe that's more controlled by the curve. OPS can turn an average shot (with good form) into a rocket, and can turn a no-so good shot into a decent one.

I have no problems with puck feel going from wood blades to a OPS and back. I've got fairly soft hands, and get a pretty good feel for the puck even with composites. I have an Adrenaline, but I don't really notice it having all that much more feel than my other OPS. I don't use it much though, as it's not my preferred curve.

edit: I've got an L-2 with a hybrid synthesis blade in it (basically the same blade as the Z-carbon) and that one feels a little "dead". I think it's because of the thicker blade.

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Im currently using a Synergy Grip and CCM Vector wooden piece o' shite. The woodie has hella better feel and accuracy than the synergy and I just switched to the woodie recently.

I think nothing will ever come close close to the woodies in feel, But the closet I have felt is the now defunct Vapor XXX.

Good stuff.

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edit: I've got an L-2 with a hybrid synthesis blade in it (basically the same blade as the Z-carbon) and that one feels a little "dead". I think it's because of the thicker blade.

Thats strange. I have a regular hybrid lami blade and it feels great to me. Could it be because the hybrid synthesis is a short hosel design or could it be the L-2 shaft your using?

My hybrid lami is thrown back and forth between shafts. I do little experiments here and there between price point shafts and high end shafts (all Easton by the way). When you mentioned the hybrid synthesis I jumped to hockeymonkey.com and ordered the Yzerman and Shanahan left handed. :rolleyes: I'll try them out on a Synergy II.

Bottom line, puck feel is what I'm after. I should try out other OPS and see what happens. I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. B)

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Im currently using a Synergy Grip and CCM Vector wooden piece o' shite. The woodie has hella better feel and accuracy than the synergy and I just switched to the woodie recently.

I think nothing will ever come close close to the woodies in feel, But the closet I have felt is the now defunct Vapor XXX.

Good stuff.

Which wood stick did you go back to?

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I believe some of the TPS's have the rubber damper insert in the shaft that helps take out vibration, this could be why they feel good.

I've actually had many customers comment on how good their repaired sticks feel compared to new, as the repair insert acts like a damper too.

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I believe some of the TPS's have the rubber damper insert in the shaft that helps take out vibration, this could be why they feel good.

I can accept that dampening vibrations could make a stick feel better, in the sense that the stick would not feel as harsh when taking a hard pass or hard shot. But people also seem to use terms like "good puck feel" to mean that they can feel the puck on their stick better.

My question is, why should dampening a stick possibly help with the latter ? Aren't vibrations part of the information the stick is sending you about where the puck is, and if so shouldn't dampening these vibrations reduce this information ? Dampening seems like it would do the same thing as wearing thick mitts.

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Thats strange. I have a regular hybrid lami blade and it feels great to me. Could it be because the hybrid synthesis is a short hosel design or could it be the L-2 shaft your using?

My hybrid lami is thrown back and forth between shafts. I do little experiments here and there between price point shafts and high end shafts (all Easton by the way). When you mentioned the hybrid synthesis I jumped to hockeymonkey.com and ordered the Yzerman and Shanahan left handed. :rolleyes: I'll try them out on a Synergy II.

Bottom line, puck feel is what I'm after. I should try out other OPS and see what happens. I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. B)

It could be the shaft. It was a prostock OPS that I cut, and even with an end plug it's a little bit shorter than I'd like it to be. The issues with it may be caused somewhere between the endplug (I hate using them) and the length. I still like the stick and it performs well, I just prefer others that I have.

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I believe some of the TPS's have the rubber damper insert in the shaft that helps take out vibration, this could be why they feel good.

I can accept that dampening vibrations could make a stick feel better, in the sense that the stick would not feel as harsh when taking a hard pass or hard shot. But people also seem to use terms like "good puck feel" to mean that they can feel the puck on their stick better.

My question is, why should dampening a stick possibly help with the latter ? Aren't vibrations part of the information the stick is sending you about where the puck is, and if so shouldn't dampening these vibrations reduce this information ? Dampening seems like it would do the same thing as wearing thick mitts.

im wondering the exact same thing..

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