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Keenan Quits

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Mike Keenan is just bad news wherever he goes and its been that way for a long, long time. He peaked in 87 when he took the Flyers to the Cup Final against Edmonton. Then he rode that to get the bench job for Team Canada(Fall of 87) where 66 and 99 saved his ass in the last game. He can thank Mark Messier for his only Cup ring in 94. He almost screwed that up when he benched Messier and Leetch in the Devils series. If you'll notice, this all happened over 10 years ago and he still was screwing up NHL teams since 94-95. He will probably get hired by Wang.

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Wow. Regardless of the circumstances I've had enough of this guy and his old school ways. Good riddance. I hope this is the last we see of him.

Edit: I wonder if Belfour will have a chance at the GM job :D

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TSN was reporting earlier today, that Florida told them he quit, but they were saying that, an inside source told them that he may have been fired?

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This isn't the first time Martin couldn't get along with his boss. Nice thing to do to the guy who hired you. Unless Martin makes the playoffs this year or wins a couple cups in Florida with all new players, he's going to have a hard time getting hired again in the NHL. Just ask Ted Nolan.

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Regardless of any issues he had with Martin, its not like the direction he was taking the team in was any good which is high risk, medium-low reward. He signed Roberts and Niewy to pretty decent multi-year deals. He pissed off the best goalie in the world, and in doing so assured that he will never play for Florida. He got a pretty weak return for Luongo in Bertuzzi (including giving up Krajichek who by most accounts is going to be very, very good). Auld is nothing special, and worst of all he signed Belfour after it was clear to every one else in the league that he should have retired. His only decent move was bringing in Salei. Regardless of whatever personal relationship Martin and Keenan had, I'd be pissed if I saw my GM make these moves when he had the potential to make this team a legitimate playoff contender. I don't know about Jokinen's contract, but I think he is a UFA next summer. No way in hell does he come back, and nobody can blame him. What good is it to draft and develop players like Jokinen and Luongo if you treat them like shit and give them no support? All it does is assure that they'll walk once they can. Keenan really botched things in Florida.

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The St. Lawrence U comment is funny to see. I was in Canton in 74-75 when Martin was the starting goalie. Dave Taylor was down the road in Potsdam at Clarkson.

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I had the priviledge, if you may call it that to play for Mike for 2 seasons in the AHL which including a Calder league championship.

He was definately a hard ass, but if you put out, the way you were drafted and were suposed to evolve and grow..... no problem, ever. The dog house was a daily thing though, for several palyers.......who did not fancy his particular style of,,,,,motivation.

He came into the AHL from the CDN university program, his teaching/coaching techniques were sound, interesting and tough to follow...... if you happened to be houng over. I always thought he was a very technically sound coach,,,although not liked by a few....floaters.

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If you aren't really able to adapt and motivate all of your players, are you really a good coach though? That's the question. I'm actually an Iron Mike fan, and hope he boots JFJ out (which is the current TO rumour), but if he can only motivate those who are willing to be hounded, I have to question his abilities. I mean in NYR, Mess was there to motivate the others and help him out. How many other captains/leaders are like that in the league today?

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there's certainly a level of mental strength that comes into being a player for Keenan. Some can thrive on it, others will just colapse under the pressure. I think he's more suited towards a veteran team, not a team with a bunch of youngsters

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I had the priviledge, if you may call it that to play for Mike for 2 seasons in the AHL which including a Calder league championship.

He was definately a hard ass, but if you put out, the way you were drafted and were suposed to evolve and grow..... no problem, ever. The dog house was a daily thing though, for several palyers.......who did not fancy his particular style of,,,,,motivation.

He came into the AHL from the CDN university program, his teaching/coaching techniques were sound, interesting and tough to follow...... if you happened to be houng over. I always thought he was a very technically sound coach,,,although not liked by a few....floaters.

It's nice to have some insight from a guy who shared a locker room with him. Thanks.

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Maybe he was a good coach but we're talking about his GM duties now and honnestly, good riddance for The Florida Panthers. That guy's been nothing but bad new for most of the teams he's been with, as a GM anyway. Hasn't he quit or been fired from everywhere he's been so far?? and pretty much always when he still had a couple of years left to his contract. I'm not questionning his abilities but perhaps his personality is the big issue here...

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