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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Croc Hunter Dies

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Stinger to the heart'll do it everytime, I can't even imagine getting tased like that. He may have been crazy and not as popular as he used to be here, but he still had balls. I feel bad especially for his wife and kids.

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Wow. He died doing his job... Oh well, I figured he was going to die doing some of the crazy shit on his show anyways. I still feel bad, even though everyone always made fun of him.

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This really is a tragic loss. The man did so much for that country. I personally have met him, when I vacationed to Australia. You could never meet a more down to earth, comical man than him.

R.I.P. Steve

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i expected him to die from something other than a jellyfish... like a king cobra or sometihing

He didnt die from a jellyfish.

Reading comprehension is quite important

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i expected him to die from something other than a jellyfish... like a king cobra or sometihing

He didnt die from a jellyfish.

Reading comprehension is quite important


sorry i meant a stingray

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He was an awesome guy...bought everyone in a bar we were in in bali a bunch of beers and told stories for like 2 hours straight.

Crazy dude, but really cool to listen to.


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I wonder what he was like a kid?

I allways loved that catch phrase "Kriky"

I saw on AOL and that stingray is HUGE I couldn't amagine getting stung by one of those.

R.I.P Steve

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