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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Croc Hunter Dies

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If he got ate by a croc, that would have been cool. But to get a lil sting, give me a break. What a bitch this guy is. Plus we all know austrialians dont swim.

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If he got ate by a croc, that would have been cool.  But to get a lil sting, give me a break.  What a bitch this guy is.  Plus we all know austrialians dont swim.

The gay guy calls Steve Irwin a bitch, now I've seen everything.

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If he got ate by a croc, that would have been cool. But to get a lil sting, give me a break. What a bitch this guy is. Plus we all know austrialians dont swim.

It can be difficult to detect interent sarcasm, so I don't know if you are being serious.

But do a google image search for "stingray barb".

Its not just a sting. It is a hard bone like barb that is serrated and razor sharp. They dont just poke you either they whip there tail.

Although I think you were being sarcastic, just wanted to add a little more info to the thread.


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If he got ate by a croc, that would have been cool.  But to get a lil sting, give me a break.  What a bitch this guy is.  Plus we all know austrialians dont swim.

It can be difficult to detect interent sarcasm, so I don't know if you are being serious.

But do a google image search for "stingray barb".

Its not just a sting. It is a hard bone like barb that is serrated and razor sharp. They dont just poke you either they whip there tail.

Although I think you were being sarcastic, just wanted to add a little more info to the thread.


Ive got stung by a bee before sooo I know how it feels man. genus bubbleous beeous

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If he got ate by a croc, that would have been cool.  But to get a lil sting, give me a break.  What a bitch this guy is.  Plus we all know austrialians dont swim.

The gay guy calls Steve Irwin a bitch, now I've seen everything.


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I used to watch his show all the time. I didn't even know that it was still on T.V.

This is very sad for his fans, and his family.

R.I.P Steve Irwin - Crikey!

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wow that really sucks... not how i was expectin him to die thought it would be because of a gator or somethin.

R.I.P steve

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This sucks, seriously! The guy came across as crazy and whatever, but he did so much for nature and the environment! He gave so much of his earnings back to the community. At least he went out doing something he loved!

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read the newpaper this morning and there going to be broadcasting the show,it comment in the paper said that he wanted his show to continue even if he was being killed by a croc he still wanted it to be shown.

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he did soo much for the environment and conservation as well as educating kids and adults in many countries. I see no humor in his death as he leaves behind two children and a wife, not to mention his friends and family and millions of fans. He was never anything but a class act, a stand up guy that no matter how much money he made he stayed true to his beliefs and values. He worked his entire life to protect what he believed needed protection, at his young age he had done more for the environment than nearly anyone in their entire lifetime. How many of you will be able to say that by age 50 that you have changed your country and the world for that matter as much as he has?

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