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Easton Synergy Toecap Warranty

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I have had my Easton Synergy skates since January and there is a crack in the front of the toecap that quickly turned into a hole and would only get worst as I continued to use them. I brought them into the store I bought them from and they said there were no local factories so they had to be sent to Taiwan.

I am wondering if anyone has had the same problem with these skates and if you think they'll give me a replacement because that is unaccepable for a top of the line pair of skates to break in less than 10 months.

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last time I broke an easton stick I had to send it to Utah I think.

?? :huh: ??

I haven't heard anything about Easton being here..

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Call Easton....I want to say the "warranty" on skates is pretty close to that of the sticks if you can believe it. But call Easton, but I have a feeling you wont be getting too much "love" from them, but just be nice...that gets you farther there and everywhere.


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last time I broke an easton stick I had to send it to Utah I think.

?? :blink: ??

I haven't heard anything about Easton being here..

Thats where I've dealt with in the past.

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Boot only has 90 day warranty. You might be out of luck depending on how Easton deals with you.

Warranty/Return center is in Salt Lake City, Utah for USA accounts and retail customers.

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The same thing happened to me with my 1100's. My Warranty was up, so I called easton and they said that I had to take them to an easton authorized repair place in Calgary to get them to stitch a new toe cap on. The place in Calgary didn't have any toe caps for easton skates so I called easton again to see if I could get one.. at that point the lady there said that they dont "stock" toe caps. Pissed me off because I love my skates.

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A little bit off topic but...

I just bought some SyNergy 800c and the toe cap stuff that is glued on top of the composite is starting to wear down. I was wondering if that Pro Guard Pro Toe or whatever it is called stuff will help at all? Thanks

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I painted toe pro on the entire toe area of my 1500's. I doubt it will do anything to protect the composite material, but it has helped keep the toe cap from blistering.

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WOW Pantherfan I would be outraged.

How did you do that?

That is 1 huge gapping hole.

He said on his post their actually my skates. My LHS said they wouldnt do anything cause warranty period had run out. The gap is much much worse now ill post some pics when i get the chance.

I guess they seem to think this should just come under the short warranty period. But i dont think anyone should expect that to happen to their skates after any amount of time.

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Imagine the outrage if these skates were made by NBH!!

I agree that on this particular problem with a broken toe-cap on this style boot, the warranty should go beyond 90 days. Not to forever and a day, but a dated purchase receipt that is less than a year to nine months seems valid. Especially for a brand still trying after 10+ years to get market share in the skate category, specifically with a high end skate.

As my good friend J.P. from Switzerland says in his extra thick accent "This is boo-shit hockey!"

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Agree.....most companies state warranty periods for lots of reasons, but in some cases like this, they should work with the customer to resolve. I have asked many companies on various products for support post warranty, and most will help.

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Guess what people, just got a call from my LHS and I received a brand new pair of Synergy 1500s as a replacement. Don't even mention how lucky that is but they even told me it was unlikely because the toecaps only had a 30 day warranty.

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Boot only has 90 day warranty. You might be out of luck depending on how Easton deals with you.

Warranty/Return center is in Salt Lake City, Utah for USA accounts and retail customers.

Hebron, Kentucky for returns now

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Guess what people, just got a call from my LHS and I received a brand new pair of Synergy 1500s as a replacement. Don't even mention how lucky that is but they even told me it was unlikely because the toecaps only had a 30 day warranty.

Good for you......so who paid for the replacement skates...your LHS or Easton?

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