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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shannys gloves

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Seriously, how many times in this thread do I need to state that there WON'T be a new Vapor glove next year? They have had enough success with the glove that they won't be changing them in 2007.

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so wait, let me get this straight: there WON'T be a new vapor glove for next season? darn. I was really looking forward to sporting "XL" on my hands. :D

Those XXXs are suh-wheat though. And Shanny looks good in Blue.

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So in summary, as JR stated 19 times in this thread...the successor line to the Vapor XXX is the Vapor XXXX line (not 40, not XL). The XXXX skates will debut on select NHL'ers around Christmas if not a little before and will be available retail around June '07.

JR stated no new gloves this year. We will leave it at that

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I don't get it... so there's going to be XXXX gloves coming out next year but not this year? or are they going to be XL? I'm confused :blink:


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