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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm looking to get some new earphones. In particular I would like the sound isolating ones. I've looked at the Shure E2c but wondering what you guys thought.

I want them to be about $80 or less. They have to be able to last a long time even with me blasting them everytime I use them. So good quality sound, long lasting while blasting, and under $80. I'm sick of mine going out in a month.


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Sennheiser PX-100 have really good sound for only $40. They don't completely cancel out outside noise, but if you're going to be blasting them anyways it won't matter.

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Sony makes some decent inexpensive models. I had one pair that held up for at least a year and I used them 6 or more hours a day.

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look into shure headphones, i worked at futureshop. by far the best headphones out on the market. the e3c's are amazing, even the e2's are good.

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Forget all those expensive ones. My JVC Gummy's have lasted me a long time and work nicely with my iPod. $14.99 CDN at your local Future Shop.

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if you are looking at Shure which is the company used out there by most artists if they are using inears,. I would recommend the e3 or e4's over the e2, they have a slightly better driver and better bud system that go with them.

One of the guys in my band uses e5's

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I can't stand any Apple headphones as they don't fit me at all. Figured their in-ear models would fit but no, those pop out too. Don't know if I'm going to with higher-end model because I prefer actual headphone, so I'm going to go with the Sony models I think. If you haven't picked up a pair after I get them, I'll put up a quick review. Oh how I love aural pleasure.

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I can't stand any Apple headphones as they don't fit me at all. Figured their in-ear models would fit but no, those pop out too. Don't know if I'm going to with higher-end model because I prefer actual headphone, so I'm going to go with the Sony models I think. If you haven't picked up a pair after I get them, I'll put up a quick review. Oh how I love aural pleasure.

Etymotics ER-6i isolator headphones. Fantastic sound quality, and they're like ear plugs so they block all the other sounds out. Great for annoying people on bus rides, only downfall is they run about 120 USD.

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Presumably you are looking for an In Ear Monitor (IEM) based on your post.

Under $80 you would probably be looking at the Sony's

For just a little more than the $80 you want to spend (around 100) then you get into the Shure, Ety, Westone and Ultimate Ears...

If you are looking at the Shure E2c you should also check out Ultimate Ear's (UE) Super.fi 3 Studio as they are in the same ball park price wise ($99) and most reviews I have read rank the Super.fi 3 over the E2c, with both head and shoulders above the Sony ex51 and ex71's. The Super.fi 3 is nearly on par with the Shure E4 for sound quality.

The Ety ER6i seems to be the best reviewed/recommend IEM in this price point. You should be able to find them for around 100, if not under. Make sure you get the "i" if you are running this out of an iPod, Zen, etc or you will want an amp if you get the ER6.

The Westone UM1 is also good but probably not as good of a bet as the Ety or UE and probably harder to find.

If you are just looking for a really good, inexpensive headphone, the above mentioned Sennheiser PX100 is excellent for ~$40. (or the PMX100 if you prefer the "streetstyle" headphone)

The Koss KSC75 can't be beat for sound and price though, you can find them for ~$20 and the sound quality is excellent.

Hope this helps!

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If going Etymotic skip the Ei-6 and move straight to ER-4P. P is for power and if you research is recommended to use for MP3, Walkman, etc......For my money my ER-6 cannot touch the performance and sound you get from the ER-4P. There is a reason they are $150 more. They are truly audiophile

My gear

Cary SLP-98L

Rogue Zeus amp

Merlin TSM ruby heart red

Audience AU-24 interconnect and speaker cable

ACI Force subwoofer

ZU Mother power cords

Richard Gray 400 power choke

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Yes, there is no doubt the ER-4P is better than the ER6-i but he is looking for something in the $80 price range.

If price isn't a concern than the new Shure E500 is probably the best bet for the price for non custom IEM's. (although many argue the ER-4P is still the best IEM but few have heard all top end IEM's so it is hard to judge). If your going custom then either UE-10's or Westone ES2 or ES3's.

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Best budget solution.

Koss "The Plug" with Etymotic ER4 flanges.

Ebay item # 300026389842

I've got 2 pairs of these and love them.

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I'm late on this one, but I love my e3c's. The 2s may be sufficient for you, but will still be a bit out of your price range. If you can afford the extra $20 or $30, it'd be worth the money.

Like many others, the Etymotics in the same price range are also good and I've heard good things about Ultimate Ears products.

If you don't mind padded phones, try the Grado SR60. At about $70 US, they're stellar.

Good luck, if you haven't already settled on a pair.

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How are the E2c's fit? Is it comfortable or do u have to adjust? I think i'll get a cheap pair right now and hold until Christmas with everyones advice.

The e2c is slightly different than the e3c, but both should have a relatively similar fit and feel. The in ear monitor (IEM) style of buds may be uncomfortable for some, as you have to shove them pretty deep in the ear canal to get a good seal (for the best sound).

I think a good test is to put ear plugs in your ears for the same amount of time you typically listen to your iPod (or other music device) and see how you feel. If you don't mind the ear plugs, then you should be just fine with the IEMs.

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I'm late on this one, but I love my e3c's. The 2s may be sufficient for you, but will still be a bit out of your price range. If you can afford the extra $20 or $30, it'd be worth the money.

Like many others, the Etymotics in the same price range are also good and I've heard good things about Ultimate Ears products.

If you don't mind padded phones, try the Grado SR60. At about $70 US, they're stellar.

Good luck, if you haven't already settled on a pair.

Grado phones tend to need to be amped, but maybe the 60's don't. I know that when I was interested in buying a pair, they were more than double that price (not the low end) and needed an amp.

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For me, the apple one is the only in-ear that would fit me! If not i'm using the cheap Sony(headphone with the thing that goes around the back of your head) for 20-30$ but work very good and still going strong after 1 years.

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