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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hamstring pulled

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Tonight before practice we started warm ups before stepping on the ice.

Im used to working out, but thats just with weights. Not the sit ups, lunges, wall sits. I thought it would be a pretty easy lil warm up, well actually it was. The thing is I pulled a muscle in one excersize. My Hamstring is just killing. We were doing those jumps where you try to touch the roof, and squat down to the floor again, then shoot up. About 30 of them, somewhere in there I just killed it. It was a pain to even walk. I was shaky skating tonight and could not bend my knees for the life of me. My coach asked me if I was "tired" tonight but I tried explaining it to him.

We got practice again soon and games ths weekend.

Im assuming that this pain will shut off by then. But should I just not do certain warm up drills? Or is it normal to have your legs shaking when you walk...

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Tonight before practice we started warm ups before stepping on the ice.

Im used to working out, but thats just with weights. Not the sit ups, lunges, wall sits. I thought it would be a pretty easy lil warm up, well actually it was. The thing is I pulled a muscle in one excersize. My Hamstring is just killing. We were doing those jumps where you try to touch the roof, and squat down to the floor again, then shoot up. About 30 of them, somewhere in there I just killed it. It was a pain to even walk. I was shaky skating tonight and could not bend my knees for the life of me. My coach asked me if I was "tired" tonight but I tried explaining it to him.

We got practice again soon and games ths weekend.

Im assuming that this pain will shut off by then. But should I just not do certain warm up drills? Or is it normal to have your legs shaking when you walk...

Funny.. im did the same thing tonight at practice..

I am icing it as we speak. I am guessing that its going to hurt like a @#%$^% getting out of bed tomorrow.

As for the shaking, thats not a usual. Any leg pulls I have ever had have just been sore. That sounds more like shock or dehydration.

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If you have a pulled hamstring you won't be practising or playing this weekend or for quite a while after that. The best thing to do is ice it down to get the swelling down for no more than 20 minutes, then rest it. I found that if you put a bit of heat to it the next day to increase the blood flow, it will loosen up enough to walk but you won't be skating for a while. Even a minor pull or strain can take a while to heal.

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Tonight before practice we started warm ups before stepping on the ice.

Im used to working out, but thats just with weights. Not the sit ups, lunges, wall sits. I thought it would be a pretty easy lil warm up, well actually it was. The thing is I pulled a muscle in one excersize. My Hamstring is just killing. We were doing those jumps where you try to touch the roof, and squat down to the floor again, then shoot up. About 30 of them, somewhere in there I just killed it. It was a pain to even walk. I was shaky skating tonight and could not bend my knees for the life of me. My coach asked me if I was "tired" tonight but I tried explaining it to him.

We got practice again soon and games ths weekend.

Im assuming that this pain will shut off by then. But should I just not do certain warm up drills? Or is it normal to have your legs shaking when you walk...

Sounds good that your coach has you actually warming up before a practice instead of just letting guys go out and do useless static stretching for a minute before starting practice. Some guys take longer to warm up. In the future, you may want to get out earlier and work your hamstring to warm it up slowly. Those jumps he has you doing should be done towards the end after you are pretty much warmed up, they are pretty high in intensity.

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o wow, I hope its not actually a pulled hamstring then. I cant afford to be injured our FIRST game and theres plenty of D already on the team.

Im gona try to heat it like suggested. I do have practice tomrow, so Im going to try to skate on it then. I went to school today and my legs hurt just from the walking. Im not gona do some of those warm up drills as hard as I was doing them.

And to Trooper--our coach doesnt tell us what to do at all except on the Ice. We decided to do things as a majority rules.

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I had a hamstring injury this summer I sustained playing baseball...I wasn't able to play hockey for 3 weeks. The first few days I just iced and rested it. Then I started stretching it and lightly working it out with deadlifts. After two weeks I began rehab running in addition to stretching and gradually increasing the weights. I went for a light skate a few times in the third week slowly increasing intensity, played a pickup game at 75% speed and then finally played a real game toward the end of the third week. If you can't walk on it without pain I definitely wouldn't practice with it tomorrow. You could turn a mild strain into a complete tear that would put you out for months instead of weeks.

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And to Trooper--our coach doesnt tell us what to do at all except on the Ice. We decided to do things as a majority rules.

Then I'm still impressed that you guys decided to do warm-ups on your own.

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I had a hamstring injury this summer I sustained playing baseball...I wasn't able to play hockey for 3 weeks. The first few days I just iced and rested it. Then I started stretching it and lightly working it out with deadlifts. After two weeks I began rehab running in addition to stretching and gradually increasing the weights. I went for a light skate a few times in the third week slowly increasing intensity, played a pickup game at 75% speed and then finally played a real game toward the end of the third week. If you can't walk on it without pain I definitely wouldn't practice with it tomorrow. You could turn a mild strain into a complete tear that would put you out for months instead of weeks.

Im not exactly a doctor. Im not sure if it is really a hamstring pulled. Its just the hamstrings that hurt like hell. I mean, couldnt they just be incredibly sore???


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Im not exactly a doctor. Im not sure if it is really a hamstring pulled. Its just the hamstrings that hurt like hell. I mean, couldnt they just be incredibly sore???


I'm not a doctor either...I just know what I experienced and what I read when I injured my hamstring this summer. When I injured my hamstring I felt a very sharp shooting pain immediately - later I could limp around on it without shooting pain, but if I tried to walk quickly, jog, or put too much weight on it when sitting down or getting in a car ect I'd get the sharp shooting pain again. If you didn't have any sharp pain and don't and it just feels sore then I yes, I suppose they could just be incredibly sore and might be perfectly fine in a few days. Hopefully, for you that's the case. If you're not sure it's probably best if you consult a doctor.

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i slighly pulled my hamstring this summer during soccer tryouts and what i was told to do was at first ice it 20 mins on 20 mins off

then i went to my chiropractor and he used this massage kind of dealy and it was great! i went about three times a week, more if it was still hurting and i was back on the field by the next week

now yours must be a lot more serious than mine was so i would suggest getting over to a chiropractor and have him check it out that would be best is to let a professional work with it.

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Look what happens when a guy in the NFL pulls a hammy. They're easily out for several weeks because that's how long it takes to truly heal them.

I pulled mine playing football in high school. I tried to continue playing football and hockey through the injury but it was just impossible and it hurts your recovery time.

Go see a sports doctor if you can and listen to what he tells you.

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if you cant get to a doctor and your using our information stay right off it.. dont go back becuase it feel good.. youll pull it like nothing rest it and ice it and find a technique to tape ur hammy so your leg doesnt extend as far and as much forward and then youll be good.. its unpredictable you might be out for 1 month, 3 weeks, 1 year you really cant say.

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Tonight before practice we started warm ups before stepping on the ice.

Im used to working out, but thats just with weights. Not the sit ups, lunges, wall sits. I thought it would be a pretty easy lil warm up, well actually it was. The thing is I pulled a muscle in one excersize. My Hamstring is just killing. We were doing those jumps where you try to touch the roof, and squat down to the floor again, then shoot up. About 30 of them, somewhere in there I just killed it. It was a pain to even walk. I was shaky skating tonight and could not bend my knees for the life of me. My coach asked me if I was "tired" tonight but I tried explaining it to him.

We got practice again soon and games ths weekend.

Im assuming that this pain will shut off by then. But should I just not do certain warm up drills? Or is it normal to have your legs shaking when you walk...

I pulled my hamstring playing football last June and I tried to play hockey that night. I couldn't even skate. It took 3-4 weeks before I was able to get back on skates. I've got a few advices for you.

Number one: Don't be an ass, rest your hamstring or you won't recover. You'll actually make things worse and take longer to recover

Number two: Try stretching it every day. If you've been working out, you must know stretching exercises for hamstring. Do them dilligently every day, but don't stretch to far.

Numer three: Once the pain starts to go away, try walking a bit faster. If you feel discomfort, slow down. Increase spead lightly every day until you can jog and not feel anything or just very slight discomfort

Number four: When you can actually jogg or run at mid-speed you may be able to get back on the ice. If you do, don't over do it. Take it easy until you no longer feel any discomfort

I started playing while I still felt a bit of discomfort and took it easy. Now I'm fully recovered. Make sure you stretch before games/practice or any exercise using your legs. The best way to do that is to warm your muscles up first with a light skate, some light jogging or brisk walking. It's not a good idea to stretch cold muscles. Warm up, stretch, play than stretch again after every and any exercise using your legs.

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