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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Microsoft Zune

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its cheaper just to download movies off shareaza or limewire. and burn if you have a burner that is. and if im not mistaken you can burn more than one movie on a disc is that right?

Its also illegal, ass. If you like a movie, you should support it by actually paying for it. It matters the quality, length and resolution of the movie. Most likely you are not getting more than one movie per disc.

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Who let this guy in?

Question of the day should be "Who's going to let this guy out".

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Ya I have a Zune it is so much better then the ipod because of the capability of being able to go onto to other peoples computers and just copying their songs/videos to your zune,by the way I had an ipod nano so I know the differance.

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one thing i think apple has on almost all other mp3 players on the market: Dimensions. I have a 30 gig 5th Gen. ipod, and I looked at a lot of players before deciding on that. I like the thin players, so if it's in my pocket, it doesn't bulge out (like my current POS cell phone...) I wish they hadn't changed the click wheel from the Mini's, I think the wheel on the 5th gen sucks compared to those. Haven't played around with the Zune, it wasn't out when i got my player, but I've looked at the Specs and all that and it seems more like a brick than the ipods. W/ipods, if you enable disk storage, you can just copy/paste songs from another person's computer, and put them on your itunes, then load them into the player. PP, I guess

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Ya I have a Zune it is so much better then the ipod because of the capability of being able to go onto to other peoples computers and just copying their songs/videos to your zune,by the way I had an ipod nano so I know the differance.


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Ya I have a Zune it is so much better then the ipod because of the capability of being able to go onto to other peoples computers and just copying their songs/videos to your zune,by the way I had an ipod nano so I know the differance.

Have we gotten so lazy that if we're looking at a friend's music... we can't just say "Hey, burn me a copy of that cd?"....

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Its illegal!! (unless you have permission of course). I dont get how it is so hard for everybody to get their minds around the concept of something being NOT LEGAL. You dont go to Wal*Mart and steal the album, so why do it online?

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Because its easier to steal when there is no real contact with the victim. I'm not really taking the "don't do it" stance because that would make me a hypocrite but I usually end up buying the disc anyway.

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I havent, I have been buying my music on iTunes since it opened, and prior to that I did something crazy... I bought albums.

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while that's fine and dandy and all... I too, have over 6,000 songs all purchased on iTunes over the years, as well as over 600 cds (I spent 3+ years as a manager of a major-chain record store), and god knows how many crates of records...

But, I have no problems taking a copy of a cd from a friend for personal use. The music industry corrupt, and I have no issues cutting out that said "middle man"... are you aware what said music industry does to it's artists?

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I havent, I have been buying my music on iTunes since it opened, and prior to that I did something crazy... I bought albums.

Kudos to you. Somebody get this guy a cookie. Not to be rude but you're not going to convince people to not get something that is free to them, especially if they can get away with it.

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digital media raises the bar for so-called "artists" to prove themselves by performance, and consistency. True talent finds, and has always found a way to survive the technological advances. Downloading, and copying isn't killing the industry- the industry is killing the industry.

So question... a fan sees over 1,000 Grateful Dead shows in a tenure of 18+ years. 10 years later, he digitally collects the shows he's experienced- by trading with other fans, and "bootleggers".... are you going to call that person "un-ethical"? When they have invested more money into the band (tickets, plus merchandise), than they would see if that same fan purchased 1,000 cds released by the bands record label?

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Kudos to you. Somebody get this guy a cookie. Not to be rude but you're not going to convince people to not get something that is free to them, especially if they can get away with it.

not trying to convince anybody. I just think people are hypocrytical. They wouldnt steal a candy bar, but they would steal thousands of dollars worth of music.

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paying a buck a song on itunes for mp3 format is terrible. It's not really any more expensive to buy the CD in a store, and you can rip it (legally) at a much higher quality than you get from Itunes. I have no problem downloading some tracks, but I won't download the whole album. If i like what I hear, I'll go out and buy the album.

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to each his own, do whatever suits you.... I just don't appreciate the "ethical finger pointing" and the "when are you going to get it through your heads" speeches. Maybe trading in the 'gear exchange' is illegal as well, y'know since we're under cutting profits for multi-million dollar corporations.

Pete Townshend, Chuck D, Billy Bragg, Tom Petty, Keith Richards, Patti Smith....all some of the most respectable names in the biz that have seen the ins and outs of the industry- have no issue with it....

hmm, Pete Townshend.... or Vapor? That's a tough one.

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