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College Football

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I can't believe its almost a month in and nobody has started a thread on college football yet.

Of course all I want to do is talk about the Ducks and the most amazing comeback ever. But I think an interesting thought is how that game was seen on TV and in person. I was obviously at the game and thought it was the greatest ending to a game I've ever seen. But in talking to others who watched it on TV they certainly didn't share the same level of excitement as we did, including hardcore Ducks fans. They almost all seemed to think that OK got hosed on the last two reviewed plays, the PI and then the onside kick. At the stadium they won't show the plays under review. The halftime show of the USC/Nebraska game didn't show either of the plays, yet had a separate segment about how both of the calls were wrong. Did anybody catch the game, or at the very least, the highlights of the reviewed calls? Its already pissing me off how the media is trying to take the win away from the Ducks and place it in the hands of the officials. Dan Fouts is an asshole.

There isn't much more to say other than Eugene was insane last night. After the game on the field I got my front tooth chipped from Jarius Byrd's helmet. I went home to take a power nap, woke up an hour later, and 100 people were in my backyard.

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Seemed like a crazy game from the highlights/replays I saw.

But nothing beats Ohio State football...100 people in a backyard is ok. But I drove thru the campus after a Michigan game, since I worked at the stadium, and it was nuts. The 100 people in the yards were throwing stuff, moving couches out into the yard, street, it was nuts. But that is all a part of college football, why I love it.

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Haha nice...

I'm done with college ball...UM shit the bed. Eh, the expectations weren't high and the program needs to rebuild and find their own identity - too much relying on the old Canes.

Nice to see ND get knocked off - mad overrated - only downside is that I have to hear Michigan fans open their mouths again.

FSU lost, that was great.

All I need now is OSU to get beat and life will be good.

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Oh boy, yesterday's game against Notre Dame has probably made me the happiest I have been in the year 2006. I was going nuts all game long...

Hopefully, they can keep it going to and through OSU...Should they lose in the Shoe, it'll pretty much ruin the year for me.


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that's what everybody said for notre dame and michigan gave them the realitly check. Looks like Ohio State needs that too

Ohio State isn't nearly as overrated as Notre Dame was... squeaking by an underrated Georgia Tech, blowing out a weak and QBless Penn State, should not earn a #2. Ohio State has beaten their biggest competition, fairly handily. If there's one team that looks to get through it all, Ohio State looks to have all the tools. Michigan will be a solid test, but in the end, I'd expect both OSU and Michigan to be near the top of the rankings, especially with early upsets in the ACC.

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you know i wouldn't mind for michigan to be #2, all i want is the bowl is against ohio state for the whole chilledlia (sp?) that would be the hugest rivalry in college football

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you know i wouldn't mind for michigan to be #2

I assume you're conceeding that OSU will take the #1 seed, then? If that's the case, as a Michigan fan, it would be VERY difficult for me to swallow.

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you know i wouldn't mind for michigan to be #2

I assume you're conceeding that OSU will take the #1 seed, then? If that's the case, as a Michigan fan, it would be VERY difficult for me to swallow.

oops my bad i meant top 5. seriously michigan could be #1 if they keep playing like this and be able to shut down OSU offense in regular season matchup and play them again for the bowl and Michigan could win the whole thing. i would save money and buy a huge HDTV and throw a party.

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I just started watching this season after seeing the last half of Texas vs. USC. Notre Dame is shoved down my throat on cable but at least with satellite I can find some quality games.

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They almost all seemed to think that OK got hosed on the last two reviewed plays, the PI and then the onside kick. ...

Its already pissing me off how the media is trying to take the win away from the Ducks and place it in the hands of the officials.

Don't be pissed off, judging from the fact that the PAC-10 has suspended the officials, it seems that the league also feels that the officials screwed OU. This is an unusual step for a league to take in a complaint against one of its members, at the behest of a non-member team, and speaks to the magnitude of the error. Just be happy your team stole a win that will count just like any other win.

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They almost all seemed to think that OK got hosed on the last two reviewed plays, the PI and then the onside kick. ...

Its already pissing me off how the media is trying to take the win away from the Ducks and place it in the hands of the officials.

Don't be pissed off, judging from the fact that the PAC-10 has suspended the officials, it seems that the league also feels that the officials screwed OU. This is an unusual step for a league to take in a complaint against one of its members, at the behest of a non-member team, and speaks to the magnitude of the error. Just be happy your team stole a win that will count just like any other win.

The Ducks didn't steal anything, they won. The PI call was legitmately screwed up, but that would have had zero impact on the outcome of the game. I still haven't seen a quality replay of the onsides kick so I can't comment on that, but what everybody is missing is that the Ducks were still behind by six points when the onside kick happened. They still had to get the ball 50+ yards down the field and score. The Sooners could have stopped them on that drive, but didn't. Oklahoma still had 45 seconds left to go for the win after the Ducks scored. Don't forget that the Ducks blocked a 40-yard field goal attempt as time expired, and judging by how good their kicker had been that game, it most likely would have gone in. The fact of the matter is that the Ducks got a questionable call that ended up in their favor, and for the last 3:15 the Ducks were the far superior team. Oklahoma simply couldn't stop them. Also keep in mind that Oklahoma had first and goal on the Duck's 2 yard line and 3 yard line earlier in the game and had to settle for two field goals. Its ridiculous that Oklahoma fans are threatening the off-field official's life over this. Not only is it just a game, but everything I've seen and heard has shown that the play was inconclusive and could have gone either way. And speaking of bad calls, in the third quarter Oklahoma had a 3rd and 10 on their 20 or 30 that they ended up gaining 40-50 yards on when it was bloody obvious that they didn't even get the play off in time. They scored that same drive and it completely changed the pace of the game. So it wasn't like the bad calls were all one sided, but everyone is just pretending that they were.

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I haven't seen the game or highlights because I've got zero interest in college football, but there's no need to defend anything Kosy. After seeing a last string of posts by Nuggy it'd appear he just loves parades. To poop on.

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The Ducks didn't steal anything, they won.

Oregon is literally given the ball with just 72 seconds left, when Oregon is trailing with no timeouts, and you say the game wasn't stolen ? How were they going to stop the clock ?

And I don't know how you can say a bogus PI call had zero impact. With little time on the clock and an extra 14 yards to go, and one less down, might their play call have changed ?

If Oklahoma won the game under the same set of circumstances, would you think that Oregon was robbed or that Oklahoma won the game fairly ?

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Well first of all you're obviously confused about at least some aspect of the game given that you can't even tell the teams apart. How were Oklahoma supposed to stop the clock? Why does that matter? If you want to talk about Oklahoma not having time outs then you need to talk to Stoops about that one. That asshat wasted two of his time outs in the 3rd quarter because his team couldn't line up right. The same thing happened when they wasted all three of theirs in the first quarter. If I'm not mistaken the Sooners got the ball back with something like 50 seconds left, on the 40 or 50 yard line due to a great return.

The fact of the matter that you aren't realizing is that not only did Oregon have to drive the ball down the field 50 yards to score, but Oklahoma could have stopped them playing solid defense. No matter what happens when it comes to the officials and making calls, that is never an excuse for letting a team dominate you. Thats what happened. Oklahoma simply couldn't stop the Ducks those last three minutes. The Sooners even had a great opportunity to win the game but surprise, surprise, the Ducks outplayed them on that play. Would all of this drama be here if Oklahoma's defense had actually played decently the last 3 minutes of the game? No way in hell.

The PI call had very little to no impact. Its only one play and Oregon was connecting on every play at that point. It isn't like Oklahoma's defense would have stopped them had they not got the PI anyway.

Just curious, did you actually watch the game or are you basis all of this off of what the East Coast analyzers on ESPN have been saying?

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Well first of all you're obviously confused about at least some aspect of the game given that you can't even tell the teams apart.  How were Oklahoma supposed to stop the clock?  Why does that matter?


Just curious, did you actually watch the game or are you basis all of this off of what the East Coast analyzers on ESPN have been saying?

I made a small mistake which - maybe - leads to your confusion, but which does not change my argument. Oregon had ONE timeout (not zero which I had mistakenly thought was the case) when they got the ball with 72 seconds left.

Why does the fact that Oregon had one timeout matter ? If Oklahoma gets the ball, Oklahoma will take 3 knees and run the clock dead even if Oregon uses their timeout. In other words, barring a botched exchange under center or a stupid penalty, if Oklahoma recovers the onside kick, which they really did, THEY WIN. They don't need to play "solid defense" anymore, or do anything else. Correct me if the NCAA has recently changed the duration of the 25-second play clock or rules governing it.

Sure, Oklahoma had a chance to win. That doesn't mean the win wasn't taken away from them in the first place.

To answer your last question, I watched the replays of the game on TV, so I saw that Oklahoma recovered the onside kick. After hearing about the controversy I studied the play-by-play which is how I know how many timeouts Oregon had left and when they were called (though I screwed up my count the first time). I was not influenced by any of the pundits on TV since I do not watch the talking heads (much), and I really do not have any emotional investment in the outcome of this game - unlike you.

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I'm just going to end this because obviously you are butthurt about what happened in some form or another. I've never been a believer that any sporting game is over until it says 00:00 on the clock. It doesn't matter if there is one second left and it seems impossible that the outcome can change. The fact is that there will always be flukes and unlikely scenarios that happen. Don't act like its bad I have an emotional investment in the game. I go to the school for Christ's sake, how could I possibly not care? I actually did see the replay of the onside kick finally and I can admit that it was a botched call. That doesn't mean that the win was taken from anybody, or that Oregon stole a victory. This particular call affected the outcome of the game as much as any of the other poor calls which went both ways throughout the whole game. I also have a hard time taking what you're saying too seriously when you admit that you only saw the highlights. Its one thing to watch a 20 second clip on ESPN about it and its another to actually watch the entire game go down.

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The officials blew the call but that call alone didn't put points on the board. If I was Ok U, I would be pissed. In reality, I couldn't possibly care less.

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I'm just going to end this because obviously you are butthurt about what happened in some form or another.  I've never been a believer that any sporting game is over until it says 00:00 on the clock.  It doesn't matter if there is one second left and it seems impossible that the outcome can change.  The fact is that there will always be flukes and unlikely scenarios that happen.  Don't act like its bad I have an emotional investment in the game.  I go to the school for Christ's sake, how could I possibly not care?  I actually did see the replay of the onside kick finally and I can admit that it was a botched call.  That doesn't mean that the win was taken from anybody, or that Oregon stole a victory.  This particular call affected the outcome of the game as much as any of the other poor calls which went both ways throughout the whole game.  I also have a hard time taking what you're saying too seriously when you admit that you only saw the highlights.  Its one thing to watch a 20 second clip on ESPN about it and its another to actually watch the entire game go down.

Whatever, I am going to end my part of this discussion as well after this post. I don't need to see the whole game and I don't need to see that Oregon played well in the 4th quarter, just like I don't need to see that Oklahoma dominated Oregon before then. We're not talking about a botched call in the 1st quarter, or even with 10 minutes to go, where lots of things happen after the mistake. This is a special circumstance where all one needs to see is the play in question and know the situation with timeouts and the game clock in order to know that if the correct call was made, there WOULD have been 00:00 on the clock after Oklahoma takes three knees.

I have a hard time taking YOUR arguments here seriously when 1) you admit that "hardcore Ducks fans" thought that Oklahoma was "hosed", 2) it seems that you didn't understand the relevance of the number of Oregon timeouts remaining, and 3) you have been arguing a point while just having seen the replay yourself. I'm not sure why it's a liability that I saw the replays while you saw the entire game in person, because as I have argued, knowing the play and situation the game should have ended on this call. More than that, it is a lot easier to make the right call when you are at home watching replays on your PVR then when you are watching a big game from the middle bowls presumably, if you are a good college student, bleary-eyed drunk from tail-gating all day and drinking all night.

I couldn't care less about either team in this game and I don't care about the particular outcome. Although I had no money on this game, I do care about poor officiating because I used to recreationally wager very small amounts (a few bucks) on football games and poor officiating pisses me off, especially when it clearly affects the outcome of the game like it did here. On the other hand, your hard-on for your team is obviously diverting so much blood from your brain that you are incapable of analyzing this impartially, and so I too am ending my participation in this thread.

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