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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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People used/have One90's Got a Q

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Hey all just picked up a pair of 0ne90's and i was just wondering how long did it take for you guys to break them in...i baked them at proshop but kills my ankle and mid part of feet first 2 icetimes....how long did urs last or when will it be good? had xx b4...

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Where in your ankle? My daughter has One90's - her midfoot along the side hurt for several skates. Have to figure any new skates take about 15 hrs to break in.

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Mine felt great out of the box and even better after being heated. Took about one session to get them broken in but never had and pain or discomfort.

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Where in your ankle? My daughter has One90's - her midfoot along the side hurt for several skates. Have to figure any new skates take about 15 hrs to break in.

Well...I am wondering if he may have a high arch and the skate is flat!

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i might possibly be picking up a pair of these skates tonight, and am not a big fan of heat molding. my xxx's were good straight outta the box, anyone believe the one90's could be too? cause i'll be using them hours within getting them.

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i might possibly be picking up a pair of these skates tonight, and am not a big fan of heat molding. my xxx's were good straight outta the box, anyone believe the one90's could be too? cause i'll be using them hours within getting them.

It's been mentioned on here several times that the molding process is very important for the One90's fit and function. More important then any other skate. I would get them heated.

Also, you can skate in One90s 2 hours after they have been heated.

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interesting info, yah i def read that but never figured it was an important step. thing is i'll be picking them up from sportchek, and well, you know. so is it the same process in the oven?

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Dude give it 3 practices u should be good but if u really want them to fit good then just bake them right before practice then wear them on the ice i did this i had them broken in after my first practice. and yes u can wear them right after there baked thats just a myth about waitin 24-36 hours

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Like dude, if you skate on your one90s right after bakin' em, you're gonna , like void the warranty. Like dude, I dunno if it matters to you but its not an urban legend in our shop. Bake'em dude, sit around the snack bar and talk to puck bunnies for about 2 hours before practice, then dude, like skate your ass off in your one90s. There gonna be awesome, dude.............

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Skating in one90's immediately after baking sounds like a potential disaster. Wouldn't the moldable material bend and give with your strides and movement, and then stuffen into some obscure shape?

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Just to change the topic a bit, has any One 90 or 70 owner noticed any problem with the blades being loose up front? I had a customer come in yesterday looking at a pair of 70's. He said he had a pair he bought at another store, used them a few times and then returned them because the front hook in the blade wasn't seated in the LSPower holder. He grabbed a couple of pairs off my shelf and tapped the toes on the ground and you could easily hear the hollow sound on some of them. I checked the blades and they were not loose and he insisted his skates were the same way, until he skated on them a few times. He also said the store where he bought them told him they had more than half returned with that problem. First I heard of it, none of the skates I sold were returned. But certainly, I could clearly hear the difference on the skates when he tapped them, some sounded fine, others made a wierd sound. At first I thought they just needed tightened, but he said he went that route and tightening did not solve his problem. So I tightened a pair that was making the wierd sound, and it didn't correct the perceived problem. He tried to pointout to me how the fish hook was not seated properly. I couldn't get the blade to budge, so I saw no problem. Any ideas?

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Just to change the topic a bit, has any One 90 or 70 owner noticed any problem with the blades being loose up front? I had a customer come in yesterday looking at a pair of 70's. He said he had a pair he bought at another store, used them a few times and then returned them because the front hook in the blade wasn't seated in the LSPower holder. He grabbed a couple of pairs off my shelf and tapped the toes on the ground and you could easily hear the hollow sound on some of them. I checked the blades and they were not loose and he insisted his skates were the same way, until he skated on them a few times. He also said the store where he bought them told him they had more than half returned with that problem. First I heard of it, none of the skates I sold were returned. But certainly, I could clearly hear the difference on the skates when he tapped them, some sounded fine, others made a wierd sound. At first I thought they just needed tightened, but he said he went that route and tightening did not solve his problem. So I tightened a pair that was making the wierd sound, and it didn't correct the perceived problem. He tried to pointout to me how the fish hook was not seated properly. I couldn't get the blade to budge, so I saw no problem. Any ideas?

Sometimes when I stand up on my 70's after tying them up I hear like a cliking sound towards the toe area. kinda sounds loose but after that there fine and I dont hear it again.

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well, went out to pac centre to get my one90's, stood around in for an hour before finally caving and heating them, did it for 3 minutes, followed the instructions off the website exactly. 5 hours between bake and skate should be more the enough, can't freaking wait!

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Haven't seen it, but had seen it on the LS2. Pull them out, reinsert and tap the toe hard. See if that works.

Wow, only two hours!? That's short. Old rule was 24 hours. I'm guessing this is because all the composite materials shape and cool down quicker?

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Well got out there with them for the first time tonight. Wow. Wow. First off, coming from 18 month old XXX's these were quite stiff and definitely made skating nice and smooth and powerful. The ls2 power took about 5 min to adjust to, then was a nice huge blade to skate on. The forward flex was nice, i love the way your heel locks into the boot giving you the absolute best fit i've ever felt. Hurt a bit, but didn't hinder my play at all. overall, wow.

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