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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR has a good tan!?!?!? and how does arnold palmer half&half lemonade knock him out?

I'm guessing he had the John Daly- 1/3 iced tea 1/3 lemonade and /13 Jim Beam.

At least his shoes are off to avoid the almost guaranteed shaming.

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Yes, it is nice to know if a man doesn't have enough stamina to make it as a party animal, he at least is sufficiently housebroken to remove his shoes.

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I wasn't drunk - I was just tired. Then again I had a much bigger cup than everyone else - my trusty MSH beer stein. Plus not to mention the White Castles me and Bryan ate.

Gotta love the "Deez Nuts" shirt though :)

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If we make it out to a hockey show there had best be no two-beer queers happening because my shamings warrant fear.

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I figured Chadd would have come in here to defend himself by now. I hope he didn't get a 6-pack of Hornsby's Cider and go on a bender.

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Sorry for the delay, my six hour day on monday turned into a 40+ hour "day". I think JR was talking about the day before the show last time it was in Toronto. I drove from here, picked him up at Pearson and we then spent over $100 US, not counting the drinks that other people bought for us. That was back when the exchange rate was about 60 cents on the dollar too.

Admittedly, I was polluted and was tossing cookies in the shower the next morning. In my own defense I didn't really eat anything that day and I have no idea what the hobbit behind the bar was serving us. I do remember us telling him to "surprise us" as it was his turn to pick the shots. I would like to thank JR for watching my back when the skeevy dude asked if I needed help taking a piss.

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