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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Trick Shot

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That looks pretty shady. Especially the last trick, the rack stops right away without really bouncing around. Editing...?...

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Now there is a guy who doesn't spend all of his time on MSH...lol

Is there a ModSquadBilliards.com I don't know about???

Those are all on a samll table too....don't alot of those trick show guys work on Snooker sized (or at least the bigger 9-ball tables)...

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Is there a ModSquadBilliards.com I don't know about???

Yea.. I could see it now.

"OMG! What kind of stick is that? I have never seen one, heard of it or know anything about it... but I have to buy 10."

"I have a friend who has never played billiards before and hes looking for a stick. I want one that is short but has a good feel to it. He has only played in bars and I would teach him, but I am spending too much time on the pro tour for me to teach me how to play pool".

"What kind of chalk is the best? Poolmonkey.com and Giantballs.com has brand x and brand y on sale right now."


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Those are all on a samll table too....don't alot of those trick show guys work on Snooker sized (or at least the bigger 9-ball tables)...

Well...he WOULD use a bigger table but it wouldn't fit in his mom's basement...

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that definitely looks like an 8 foot table, regulation is 9. I'd also say that it still doesn't take a lot from his game because he's got a nice stroke and gets great action on the cue ball.

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No... the guy has amazing skills.

The table looks different sizes depending on the angle. If the width is 3.5 feet then it is a 7 ft table, if it is as wide as 4 ft then it is an 8 ft table.

misspent youth...

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it is at most an 8 foot table. I've been playing pool for over 10 years and can do most of those tricks... but not on demand. It would take quite a few tries on fast cloth to do some of those tricks.

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Is there a ModSquadBilliards.com I don't know about???

Yea.. I could see it now.

"OMG! What kind of stick is that? I have never seen one, heard of it or know anything about it... but I have to buy 10."

"I have a friend who has never played billiards before and hes looking for a stick. I want one that is short but has a good feel to it. He has only played in bars and I would teach him, but I am spending too much time on the pro tour for me to teach me how to play pool".

"What kind of chalk is the best? Poolmonkey.com and Giantballs.com has brand x and brand y on sale right now."


wow thats amazing

haha you said giant balls

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No, I'm saying the small table makes it even more impressive...less room for error...tighter spins, tighter turns....

not really, less room for error.

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I did notice that on alot of his extreme sidespin shots he's "working" the table a bit by leaning his weight on it.

Not to take anything away from him. It's great stuff. $50 says he has no girlfriend.

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$100 says he pulls that crap at bars and gets chicks attention like it's nothing.

And 50 bucks says that once he has said chicks attention he couldn't hold a conversation with them to save his life :lol:

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