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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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For you sakic users

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Where does your stick come to you on skates? I know everyone skates different and all, but I can average the heights because I want to see if I am using it correctly

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Where does your stick come to you on skates? I know everyone skates different and all, but I can average the heights because I want to see if I am using it correctly

The average of everyone else may not be the choice for you.

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Where does your stick come to you on skates? I know everyone skates different and all, but I can average the heights because I want to see if I am using it correctly

The average of everyone else may not be the choice for you.

Ok, then Im just curious

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Since we both use heel curves, Kovy, I hate to say it but I almost fell in like with a Sakic-ish pattern this week when I was at my brother's practise.

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LOL, the same thing happened to me mack. Using a friends vector and I could pretty much snipe with it. The feel was amazing too, so I went and bought one of those damn 90.00 vector 10.0 blades (I hate my friend now)

Where did it come up to you on skates?

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I had a stick that was about to break so I had my brother grab one of mine from home. He grabbed the right pattern name, just the obnoxiously curved version. I got it, used it and I have to say I'm liking it. I'm going to curb that though because I think it's still a banana.

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someone needs to make a sakic with a 5 or lower lie. as far as length goes i would look at the bottom of your blade and check the wear areas. if its at the heel make it shorter; the toe, longer.

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someone needs to make a sakic with a 5 or lower lie. as far as length goes i would look at the bottom of your blade and check the wear areas. if its at the heel make it shorter; the toe, longer.


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my sticks about 1" lower than my chin, when im not in skates its just barley below the tip of my nose. It's perfect for me that way.

It's All Personal preferance...

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I used sakic at my chin.......the real question is how many times are you going to go through every easton curve, come back to sakic, and repeat the cycle? :D

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I picked up a XXX Lite Naslund and I don't know it relates to the Sakic in lie, but I'm 6'5" and this comes between my moobs.

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I used sakic at my chin.......the real question is how many times are you going to go through every easton curve, come back to sakic, and repeat the cycle? :D

nah, I am a die hard messier curve user. I liked the drury, but its just wasnt my messier

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i am a die hard sakic fan and i like my sticks long, like eye level.

How can you shoot like that? Mine is at chin level and I still have some problems with the lie.

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Love the Sakic curve, discovered it about 3-4 months ago after using Jagr curve for ages. My stick generally sits about 1 inch below my chin. This has always been the most comfortable length since the age of about 17. Best cut/length IMO for shooting, passing, poking and most importantly shooting.

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