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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What stick was this?

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While browsing at a Dick's today, I came across a CCM one piece stick for $69.99. It said Vector on it, but without a number afterword. It was bright yellow and felt really sweet. It is not listed on the CCM website, which makes me think that it might be made as an exclusive for Dick's. Does anyone know anything about this stick? Is it just a Vecor 6 under a different name? I have a discount card that I purchased as a fundraiser for a school and could get the stick for $59.99, but I do not know what I would be getting. Any help would be appreciated.

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Vector SE? MY local Sports Authority has some, but they are painted like 10.0s. Dicks just might have them in a different color.

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Vector SE? MY local Sports Authority has some, but they are painted like 10.0s. Dicks just might have them in a different color.

yeah we have them at TSA here too. I made a post about it a few weeks ago when we got them in stock. It also has a bubble grip. I would say that it's either a 6.0 SMU or something lower.

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Saw these at Dick's a couple of weeks ago. I'm not 100% sure if it was Vector SE or something else- it did have 2 letters on the shaft.

They were really heavy, off balance, and didn't seem to be all that sturdy. It has the same "bubble" grip texture that the 6.0s and TSA SMUs have.

Honestly, I think you'd be better off with an Easton Z-Carbon Woodie. half the price and weighs about the same, with a composite blade.

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The colors are definitely like a Montreal Nitro but i think his lower hand covers this Easton ((( E ))) thing. Normally, Moreau uses Mission sticks.

Here is another one, smaller but a different angle 72152443.jpg

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