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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First Snow

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Getting out first look at the fluffy stuff here in WNY. It'll probably be back around 75-80 degrees tomorrow, though.

Anywhere else hit already?

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We've had flurries here in Minneapolis the last couple of days. We had a foot of snow out in Crested Butte when I was there three weeks ago.

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Hockeymom, it just snowed! My mom started yelling "It's f**in snowing, damnit!" Lol, only for like 2 minutes though. So absolutley nothing stuck.

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There was about an inch in the ground when I woke up to go to work. I live in northern Minnesota. Most of it is gone but there is some stuck in the ditches. It is supposed to stay cold here though. I'm Excited for winter.

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I think it was like -4 today. At night it dips down to about -10 or -12. Its snowed a few times here. only stuck for like half a day though.

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Springfield, Ohio

It was in the upper 80's two days ago and we just had the first snow today for about an hour or so nothing stuck but the weather here sucks its completely unpredictable.

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Have relatives in Brandon, Manitoba. Last update had it currently snowing with some on the ground. Can't tell you how much though.

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It's been snowing for the past two days here in good old WI. None of it is staying on the ground, but it's nice knowing that there's about 5 weeks left of football season and it's already snowing.

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Cold and rainy this morning, mid-80's later in the day here in NY. Been alternating like that the past 3 days. Crayzee weather going on here, but thankfully no powder yet.

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  LkptTiger said:
Oh, this is sticking. There's at least about 5 or 6 inches on the ground and people are running around the dorms throwing snowballs.
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man you are soo lucky!

i havent had a snow day in 3 years!!!!


our superintendent sucks and never cancells school for snow!!

but the worst thing is it could be 90 degrees and then the next day snow 3 feet. kentucky weather is so rediculous!

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  LChockey24 said:
  LkptTiger said:
Oh, this is sticking.  There's at least about 5 or 6 inches on the ground and people are running around the dorms throwing snowballs.
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man you are soo lucky!

i havent had a snow day in 3 years!!!!


our superintendent sucks and never cancells school for snow!!

but the worst thing is it could be 90 degrees and then the next day snow 3 feet. kentucky weather is so rediculous!

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Its not a snowday if its at 8:45 at night.

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