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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sales reps

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JR, just curious but who was the most qualified person for the CCM/RBK position in our territory?? If you dont feel comfortable posting it Ill understand but please PM me, you have made me curious.

Getting back to the subject of this post as sad as it is to say JR was dead on with his original statement about the "Old boys club". I too am someone OBSESSED with this industry and unfortunately without "putting in your time" you will never, ever, ever ever ever see a position at one of these companies as a sales rep. And as much as we all want to believe that it would be the best job ever, Just about every sales rep will say that it aint sweet, even reps for bigger companies. Just recently I hear that the Louisville rep of our area quit to sell insurance (note: a rumor I heard, still waiting for confirmation). I say that to make the point that it sounds like there is more money to be made elsewhere AND that even if you are a die hard and still would love to be a rep, then be prepared to sell hockey key chains and Trilage sticks or some other smaller companies products for 10+ years before you will join the ranks of the "boys club".

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More things to think about while obsessed with joining the hockey industry:

There is one huge difference between working in a LHS and working as a rep. The next statement holds true for any industry, any product. When you are working on the floor at the LHS selling skates, sticks, and equipment, more than half the time the customer has it in his mind that he NEEDS to purchase this item. The customer needs skates because his old ones don't fit. So, as a salesman, the really hard part is over: convincing the customer to buy skates. Your job in the shop is to make sure that now he buys the right pair of skates. As a sales rep, your job is 100% different. No LHS NEEDS everything or maybe even anything in your line. Your job is now harder because you have to convince the LHS buyer that this product is something his LHS NEEDS. The LHS buyer will see tons of products and a lot of them are similar across brands and a lot of them are not necessary to carry in the shop. Your job to really sell this product is much more difficult than the just opening up your bag of samples, grabbing the catalog and price list, and writing an order. I suggest that anyone who is seriously thinking of joining this industry should find a sales rep and ask to spend a day on the road with him. Be prepared to buy him lunch as a perk and be prepared to spend time driving in the car. Time spent at a shop? 30 minutes if you are lucky. The shop guys are working and don't have an hour to waste bs'ing with a rep. I'm not trying to piss on your parade. I think anybody should take the time to find out what its all about first and then decide if this is what you want to do. This is kind of like getting to the Show. There are less than 8 major players in the industry, divided by a small amount of geographical territories available(kind of like franchises!), divided by a small amount of players qualified and known in the industry to get the job done. But, jeez, Tie Domi just retired after 15+ years in the real Show, so you never know! Good luck, you'll need it.

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We need reps and are growing fast, truthfully, the guys with no experience always sell more than the guys that do... plus with the smaller companies we are more flexible in sales and programs... we just got a guy going in NJ. No experience, and withing a few short weeks is almost our top guy... same with the guy we got going in Eastern Canada. Started at $0.00 and he put us there HUGE this year, and No experince. Honestly traditional methods have changed in selling hockey gear. We have found a new effective approach this year that i assure you is working...

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All the guys who r excited, keep it up... this is a fun industry. Let me also say that that many things here in this thread are true, BUT... nothing can replace hard work, and enthusiasm

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We need reps and are growing fast, truthfully, the guys with no experience always sell more than the guys that do... plus with the smaller companies we are more flexible in sales and programs... we just got a guy going in NJ. No experience, and withing a few short weeks is almost our top guy... same with the guy we got going in Eastern Canada. Started at $0.00 and he put us there HUGE this year, and No experince. Honestly traditional methods have changed in selling hockey gear. We have found a new effective approach this year that i assure you is working...

Would the new approach by any chance be guaranteed buy back if the product doesn't sell? I've turned down many new companies simply because it's too risky to take on a relatively unknown brand.

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That is part of it from the retailers side... and we do not do it with everyone... and it is more than just a buyback. i was speaking more from the reps position of selling.

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I just wanted to give an update to this thread that I started a while back. Gary Sande got in contact with me about repping for him and came into my shop to show me the new product and all of it looks fantastic from their new stick that I think was called the show and a new glove along with some pant. It all looks great so I am thinking I might take his offer and see how it goes.

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I just wanted to give an update to this thread that I started a while back. Gary Sande got in contact with me about repping for him and came into my shop to show me the new product and all of it looks fantastic from their new stick that I think was called the show and a new glove along with some pant. It all looks great so I am thinking I might take his offer and see how it goes.

What's the price of gasoline in your territory? How many mpg do you get?

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What's the price of gasoline in your territory? How many mpg do you get?

Good call. One of my REP buddies traded in his Gas guzzling Ford truck for a high MPG car. Probably drives more miles then a big rig trucker..... Gas could hit $3 a gallon out here in California soon.

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