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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What the filth is the "Ice Tribe"?

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I just checked the new NBH website and sat through the Ice tribe thing. Just fishing for any info because I fear that it is either going to be some stupid comic or a crappy line of equipment ala flashy stuff to catch the kids eye.

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It is their new "gimmick" for promoting the compression clothing to the hockey market. They are regular Nike compression shirts, shorts, etc. except for the the tribal print/logo on the sleeve. Nike did the same thing last year in the U.S. for football except they called it "Revolution". The symbol (for football) is branded on the Nike Free 7.0 shoes.

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it has nothing to do with a new line of equipment, I have seen the 2007 equipment and there is nothing to do with Ice Tribe

care to spill any details?

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It is their new "gimmick" for promoting the compression clothing to the hockey market. They are regular Nike compression shirts, shorts, etc. except for the the tribal print/logo on the sleeve. Nike did the same thing last year in the U.S. for football except they called it "Revolution". The symbol (for football) is branded on the Nike Free 7.0 shoes.

Where did you hear that?

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It is their new "gimmick" for promoting the compression clothing to the hockey market. They are regular Nike compression shirts, shorts, etc. except for the the tribal print/logo on the sleeve. Nike did the same thing last year in the U.S. for football except they called it "Revolution". The symbol (for football) is branded on the Nike Free 7.0 shoes.

Where did you hear that?

From Nike.

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I saw someone on the canucks wearing what I am guessing is new tribal related dri-fit. it was the basic nike dri-fit shirt with the different colour sleeves, but one of them had tribal designs running down them.

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