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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor Spacers

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i was watching a canucks game and saw naslund and the sedins have these massive chunks of plastic between the visor and the helmet pic

any idea what it is and what it does?

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Nylon washers from the Tru-Value work like a charm

Or using visors that fit that model of helmet!

Problem is, there isn't one.

Oh...well that makes it more tricky. I knew the Oakley visors didn't fit, but I thought one of the Itechs worked.

Then again, I use a Itech helmet (HC95) with an Itech visor (HX50) so I was pretty sure it would fit!

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Anyone knows an online hockey store where thick washers coule be gotten?

you could probably go to canadian tire or home depot

Yep, plumbing department. Usually they come in bubblepacks of 10 or so and in black or white. I go to the home depot for myslef and teamates...

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Ok so homedepot should have these spacers in the plumbing department. Any idea what they are called or perhaps what they are used for?

Forgive me but here in IL I'm sure my local Homedepot employee will send me to the lighting department, or perhaps, carpet, maybe paint, For sure building materials..........you begining to see where I am going?

My helmets keep cracking where the visors attach and I'm sick of it.

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My HS22 came with all the big white plastic spacers. I guess when you bend the visor, it can distorts the optics and the spacers allow the visor to remain in as close to it's original shape as possible.

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My HS22 came with all the big white plastic spacers. I guess when you bend the visor, it can distorts the optics and the spacers allow the visor to remain in as close to it's original shape as possible.

Mack, thats a good guess, huh? LOL

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Ok so homedepot should have these spacers in the plumbing department. Any idea what they are called or perhaps what they are used for?

Forgive me but here in IL I'm sure my local Homedepot employee will send me to the lighting department, or perhaps, carpet, maybe paint, For sure building materials..........you begining to see where I am going?

My helmets keep cracking where the visors attach and I'm sick of it.

Just go to where they have all of the nuts, bolts, and washers and look for the nylon (plastic) ones. Then find the ones that fit the best. I thnk that it is 1/2 or 3/4 inchers

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