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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Mushroom Effect

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In desperate need of a new helmet and all I ask is that it won't look like a mushroom on my head, well that and it fits nice to my head.

Well what I'm asking is what mid to high end helmets won't do this?

Hugs and Kisses


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I've spent 28 years with a giant head... so having my Mission Intake look like a mushroom is the least of my concern. My major concern is, y'know... brain damage, cracking my skull open, etc.. you know, the little things?

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Proof of mushroom effect of 5000:


Tony Hand - Mushroom Head


Everybody looks that way :)

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I will admit though.. I used to wear an old CCM 452.. that thing was huge and made me look a little top heavy :S

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The Mission Intake was made to be lower profile than all the others. The Itech HC100 is similar size, but less bells and whistles.

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Does it really matter what you look like on the Ice. As long as you are safe and you have the same amount of movement and can perform at the level you want to perform at who really cares what you look like.

Personal preferance I guess. I for one could care less what I look like on the Ice as long as I can bring the game. If I can play, nothing else left to prove.

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I used to use a Bauer 4000, but now I'm using a Rbk 8k. I think the Reebok is more mushroomy but as for fit, feel and weight, it kicks the 4000's ass. The 8k keeps my head cooler as well. Worth a slight mushrooming.

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Proof of mushroom effect of 5000:


Tony Hand - Mushroom Head


Everybody looks that way :)

Haha a lil joke for the Brits :P Tony Hand played for us in Edinburgh and vowed never to play for his current club Manchester Phoenix so have a lil bit of a grudge with him.

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Wear what fits well - you'll find that a lot of other players are wearing the same thing. They won't likely poke fun at you... too much.

I had half the bench of an opposing team commenting on the "bucket" on my head one game, but I knew most of them. Damn Nike Quest helmet is almost as big as a goalie mask.

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