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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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We also had a potato cannon

I read potato cannon and could only think of: "Security in this office park is a joke. Last year, I came to work with my spud gun in a duffle bag. I sat at my desk all day, with a rifle that shoots potatoes at 60 pounds per square inch. Can you imagine if I was deranged?"

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Where they really screwed up was breaking the window. We would have just poured water onto the pile to make it freeze into ice. The worst thing they will do is make you remove it yourself and no criminal charges are files. At least that's how it was when I was in school. They might get pissed but they understood what a harmless prank really was.

Nothing happened to them. I think a couple days of suspension, but that's it. Oh and the delayed opening to give the janitors more time to get the snow away from the door, haha.

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Back in college we would dress in all black, paint our faces and vist the surrounding neighborhoods in search of pumpkins. We had no intention of abusing property (throwing pumpkins through windshields, etc.)...other than the pumpkins themselves. I think the worst we did on those nights were to pick up one end of parked cars and move them a little so the owner would come out and wonder if he had too much to drink the night before.

How times have changed in 10 years though...last summer I built a $20k composite double deck. Three weeks ago I came home from a road trip to find 2 broken eggs on it. In college I would have left them go, but now I immediately washed them off...only to find the eggs stained the composite and where I scrubbed is now a different color than the rest. Being the old coot I am now, I took pictures of the eggs and resulting damage and plan to file a complaint w/ the po-po. 2 little eggs "harmlessly" launched over bushes, and now 6 boards ($50 each) of my deck are ruined. :angry:

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I know one of my friends did spraypaint the side of a pretty new VW Jetta from what I hear, which is really messed up.

that is taking it too far.

property damage is a crime and that is reallly mean too.

that is like putting bologna on a car

How is throwing things at somebody's house not property damage to you?

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I know one of my friends did spraypaint the side of a pretty new VW Jetta from what I hear, which is really messed up.

that is taking it too far.

property damage is a crime and that is reallly mean too.

that is like putting bologna on a car

How is throwing things at somebody's house not property damage to you?

technically we didnt damage anything, we splattered berries

and if u think that spray painting a car and throwing berries is similar, theres a problem

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Completely different time of year but I heard a story from my boss of how when he was younger he and and about 7 of his buddies got someones car stuck in the garage.

It was an old style mini cooper, very small and very light. About 8 of them picked it up and turned it sideways in the garage at a house party. There was no way that car was coming out.......

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around here in Jersey we call it Cabbage night

worst I've ever done is write some stuff on streets with a bar of soap

Your grammar still sucks.

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technically we didnt damage anything, we splattered berries

and if u think that spray painting a car and throwing berries is similar, theres a problem

Actually they are very similar, just different degrees of vandalism. Berries can stain surfaces and the acid can also eat through paint finishes if not removed right away.

I guess spray painting a car isn't as cool as killing boredom by damaging some woman's property while making fun of her ethnic background. :rolleyes:

Maybe you and your friends can find tougher targets next time and pull the heads off of little girl's dolls.

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I know one of my friends did spraypaint the side of a pretty new VW Jetta from what I hear, which is really messed up.

that is taking it too far.

property damage is a crime and that is reallly mean too.

that is like putting bologna on a car

How is throwing things at somebody's house not property damage to you?

technically we didnt damage anything, we splattered berries

and if u think that spray painting a car and throwing berries is similar, theres a problem

Both the car and the house were left in a different condition after you were done acting like a twelve year old. It doesn't matter if something broke or not, you still did stuff to things that wasn't yours.

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I'm with Kosydar on that. Why people think they're cool for committing acts of vandalism is beyond me. I'm sure you'd be singing a different tune if someone vandalised some of your belongings. People have better things to do than clean up after morons had the brightest of bright ideas and decided to go on a rampage.

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the berries are edible, so they wouldnt be that bad for an animal or anything to get poisoned with.

and also, the stains came off with a hose so the effect wasnt that bad at all. its not like she had to go get her house remodled. the house wasnt even left in a different state.

it did a hell of a lot less damage when those people paintballed my freinds dog and house.

a car would have to be repainted if spraypainted, the berries wash off... its not a big deal

and hamstercoaster- we went over there to help wash it off, but they wouldnt answer the door. so its their fault for not letting us clean it up!

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and hamstercoaster- we went over there to help wash it off, but they wouldnt answer the door. so its their fault for not letting us clean it up!

Oh, cause you think that she would have welcomed you with open arms after what you had done? I don't blame her for not opening the door to you. A) she must have thought.. hmm what is he up to now B) maybe she just didn't open the door to save herself the judicial hassles she would have had to go through had she opened the door and hit you or something. How can it be her fault if she had no clue what you guys were up to when you showed up at her doorstep. You're just trying to make amends for being stupid and doing things that should not have been done in the first place. Weither or not it was easy to clean, it's still a waste of her valuable time that she could have used doing something else.

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and hamstercoaster- we went over there to help wash it off, but they wouldnt answer the door. so its their fault for not letting us clean it up!

You're a tool.

So it's the woman's fault that she wouldn't answer the door after you vandalized her house?

How about not doing it in the first place? Plus if you were that intent on cleaning the house for her you could have gone over on your own and cleaned it without speaking with her first.

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we couldnt walk in through her fence without asking.

i admit we were stupid, but i guess paybacks a bitch!

it was me throwing 3 and a bunch of freinds dooing it too. i admit it was stupid.

and yeah it was childish and it was fun.

and i guarantee all of you have done something stupid too.

i give up on this thread though

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When I first posted this topic, people started posting back how fun it was to vandalize and what their stories were. I wasnt even going to post again, afraid of getting out numbered in an argumen. Im glad we have sane people here and not all a bunch of little kids who waste valuable things and vandalize. I really dont get the point behind it.

LC hockey - You were just messing around with your neighbor? What was the point besides to pass time and your boredom? I thought vandalism was to people you disliked or had a grudge against. You just decided to pass time by making her waste time cleaining your mess?

The only vandalism I think is ok is TP'ing somebodys house. And they would have to be a friend or like a coach. As a practical joke. Not a mean thing to get people pissed off. And it couldnt be one of those major TP's with 2500 rolls of toilet paper either. Its something that can be removed, isnt damaging anything.

Thats how I see things.

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