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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone know where to get Twill numbers put on?

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Everywhere I have found online requires a team minimum and I just want a number put on to a practice jersey. Anyone know of a place that could do something like that?

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River city sports will do it, not sure about their rates, a friend got it done, was happy with their work.

You send away the jersey, takes about 4 weeks to get back


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Are you looking for offical NHL kits or just regular stock numbers? Look up "Sports Cresting" in your yellow pages...

I just want regular numbers.

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If you don't want to do it yourself, and you have the twill numbers get a taylor to sew them on. Easy stuff if you have a machine.

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If you don't want to do it yourself, and you have the twill numbers get a taylor to sew them on. Easy stuff if you have a machine.

Yeah, that's what I'll probably end up doing...

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Most places will not put on numbers, etc, because of liability. If you didn't buy the jersey there, they do not want to risk ruining it and having to pay you for the damaged jersey. That's why it's hard to find someone to do it. Best bet, have your mother do it, most wives now-a-days, can't sew. And no, I'm not crazy, or hate women, every day I try to tell wives to sew something for a repair ect, and they ALL say, I'll have my mom do it.

Twill numbers are easy to sew. Even someone from Rio Linda or Palm Beach can do it. ;)

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I bought 3 blank Canucks jerseys off ebay and then got the front crests later, and my drycleaner/taylor did it for $10 a jersey. A little steep, yes, but better than any of my LHS were offering, just a though.

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I bought 3 blank Canucks jerseys off ebay and then got the front crests later, and my drycleaner/taylor did it for $10 a jersey. A little steep, yes, but better than any of my LHS were offering, just a though.

That's not a bad deal at all.

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