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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth or Synthesis?

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Ok heres the deal. I can't decide wether I want a CNT stealth or some synthesis shafts for xmas. For the price of the cnt, I can get 2 synthesis shafts+2 blades for the same price. I like the synthesis shaft (I am using one right now), but I messed around with the stealth and loved it (the feel was amazing). Do you think id be better off with the 2 synthesis or the stealth? It would be more economical with the synthesis because i could change blades and such. What are you thoughts?

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me personally i would go with the synthesis'. i have had 2 synths, 2 05 stealths and a cnt and my favorite by far has been the synthesis'. i could not get use to the 05 stealths at all and the cnt just feels weird to me. also i like being able to change blades in the synth when i get bored of a curve.

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After going through 3 different OPS models (although admittedly not the Stealth) I decided to go with a shaft combo because I love the ability to change blades when they crack, and perhaps even more so I love the flexibility of being able to try new curves whenever I want. So, I would have to recommend the Synthesis.

Although, I'd probably just buy one and then spend the rest on a new visor or something. But that's just me.

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i went from stealth to synthesis and its the best decision i have made in a while.

the synthesis is cheaper and has great feel to it. i love it , especially for the 50$ i paid!

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If you can handle using a 2 piece and don't know which stick blade you like, you might be better going for the shaft+blade combo because it will give you more flexibility. I really do like the stealth, but all it will take is someone stepping on the blade to causing you problems.


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If you not planning on breaking the stealth fast, then go for it, or what about the synergy II's (but those could likely be more expensive than synthesis').

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My vote is for the Synthesis, but I've not used a Stealth. As I've said before, it's much more economical. I've gone through 2 different carbon blades in my Synthesis. Had I purchased those same blades but as OPS's I'd be out well over $200. Instead I've spent maybe $90 on the carbon blades. I'm now using the shaft with a wood blade. I really like the feel and may stick with wood.

From a pure $$ standpoint you'd be crazy to not get the Synthesis. If it's image and appearance you're after then the CNT Stealth is the way to go.

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i would take the synthesis shafts. had two synthesis shafts last season didnt break eather of them. bought a stealth this summer broke it in the first 5 days sent it back got another one and broke that a month later.

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I may be stating the obvious, but if it's a Christmas GIFT, you should go for the Stealth. Money wouldn't be an issue, unless you're buying it for yourself. If you love the Stealth, go for it, and if the blade breaks, just cut the blade off and put a synthesis/synergy II/any other tapered blade into it.

Regardless, between the two, IMO you can't really go wrong.

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I have found that even with a wood blade in my synthesis i still get great pop on my shots until the 3rd or 4th skate with it. The composite blades are great as well. For the stealth on our works demo day I used it we didn't have any drury's so i settled for a Forsberg I really liked the weight and the balance, kick is great, a bit better than my Synthesis+wood blade, the comp. blade was a little bit closer. also the stealths feel whippier so if flex is an issue then stick with what you're used to.

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I dont think you gave us enough information.

Of course the stealth will have more feel and of course the sythesis will be cheaper and last longer. The question is what are your priorities?

Money? Durability? Feel?

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Im looking for feel (was never impressed with the synthesis feel), dont care about durability as I break sticks very rarely. Its going to be an xmas gift, so money isnt a problem

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Im looking for feel, dont care about durability as I break sticks very rarely. Its going to be an xmas gift, so money isnt a problem

If that's the case, I'd go for the Stealth in a heartbeat. You buy shafts/blades for a cheaper way to replace blades, but money and durability aren't issues here, so you should go for the OPS.

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Im ordering an int., and the int. synthesis is whippy as hell, while the stealth is longer, so ill have to cut it about an inch or 2, which will make it just about the perfect flex.

I was also considering the pulse, but the rafalski curve on the int. pulse is disgusting. Looks nothing like the Sr.

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and then sell it like he did with the last one.

I'd go with the stealth. Even if durability was an issue, the shafts on the stealths are pretty strong, and you could always turn it into a shaft if the blade broke.

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Oh yeah....I forgot he was selling one.

Well if it came down to it, I'd go with the Stealth. I had 2 of the '05 models last me a full year.

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