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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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white pants

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The Washington Caps wore them in the '80's. They started to look like sh*t with all of the puck marks and they got dirty easy, so they changed. I saw something on tv about it

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and the ass gets brown/reddish fast. a backup goalie for a rival school had a pair a few years back... they were cool at the begining with all white pads, pants, gloves, mask, sticks, etc.

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Canada's National Womens Team wore white pants (with Baby Blue & Pink trim) in the late 90's...Tackla's I think.

I've only seen them in pcitures...don't remember seeing them live.

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Canada's National Womens Team wore white pants (with Baby Blue & Pink trim) in the late 90's...Tackla's I think.

I've only seen them in pcitures...don't remember seeing them live.

and some women complain about us not taking the women's game seriously. The question is, do they want to be taken seriously in pants like that.

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Canada's National Womens Team wore white pants (with Baby Blue & Pink trim) in the late 90's...Tackla's I think.

I've only seen them in pcitures...don't remember seeing them live.

and some women complain about us not taking the women's game seriously. The question is, do they want to be taken seriously in pants like that.

of course we do, no matter what wear wearing.

i would love white pants with pink trim, but it would be hard getting them

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i really think there's only a few ppl that could pull off the whole white pant look. i mean i just dont see derian hatcher or chris pronger really looking too rough in a white pant....

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